Bonjour from France! Although I’m in Paris for a non-bike touring related work trip, being in the City of Light has me thinking about a future trip out here with my bike. On this episode, we cover all things bike touring France… tips on camping, traveling, handling language differences, and much more.
If you’re going on a bike tour, you’re usually confronted with a situation that requires a fix or an adjustment. On this episode of The Pedalshift Project we explore bicycle tour toolkits: what you must bring, what you should bring, and maybe a few things you haven’t thought about.
Ella Embree is a born and bred Alaskan with a big sense of adventure. Recently Ella was inspired by Lael Wilcox to tackle a new adventure – bicycle touring 1000 miles around her home state, some on a tandem. On this episode we chat on the eve of the first leg!
The final installment of this edition of the Pedalshift Beginners Series with James Rosenberg as he sits with me in Washington, DC a few days before he begins his ride across the United States on the TransAm. We cover final prep plans, things you might not think about as a first-timer and more!
Kerry Gross wanted more stories of inspiring women. So, she decided to ride her bike from California to Maine in search of women who inspire others. Now she brings those stories to us via the Women Who Dare podcast, the story of Kerry’s 5,700-mile bike ride and the interviews with these remarkable women.
Russ Roca joins the Pedalshift Project to talk about his work on The Path Less Pedaled and using photography, video and storytellng to advocate the joys of bicycle travel. Read more
You might not be riding through snow and ice, but winter is a time to take stock of your bicycle’s condition for future tours. On this episode of the pod, winter touring bike maintenance, including care after icy rides and some tips on keeping your drivetrain clean and happy during the harshest season! Read more
Happy new year! You know, I may not know a lot but I definitely know a thing or two about a cold, wet bike tour… and I have a story to go with it! Let’s kick off 2018 with things to look forward to this year plus that story on what not to do on a cold wet bike tour! Read more
Friend of the show and Pedalshift Society member Mark van Raam checked one off the bucket list this year… a cross country ride on the southern tier bicycle tour route across the US. From deserts, to mountains, to encounters in the deep south, this was a trip of a lifetime! On this episode of the pod, we chat with Mark and get his thoughts on the adventure, what it was like being in an organized tour, and what might be next.
Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.
I’m planning on an October tour from Newport, OR to San Francisco, revisiting a section of the 2014 full coast ride and one I just adore. Looking forward to sharing more details with you in a future pod!
The Journal: A Southern Tier bicycle tour with Mark van Raam
What was the drive behind biking across country? Did you choose the southern tier for a specific reason?
You rode with a unique sounding tour leader… how did you get acquainted with Bubba?
Your buddy Robb came along too. How important was it to have someone you knew ride with you from the start?
You’re a fellow Novara Safari rider (let’s pour one out for this discontinued beauty!). How did it perform and would you recommend it for an organized tour where you ride less loaded than self-supported or would you have rather ridden a lighter bike?
With nearly three weeks in one state… did Texas ever feel like it was going to end? I hear it’s big.
You met some interesting people on the trip… astronauts, friends of Ray Charles… who was the one that stood out to you and why?
What was the most challenging time on tour?
We love each and every state in this fine country. But you had to have had a favorite one and one that wasn’t your favorite on this route… tell us each one and why.
How long did it take to readjust to coming home afterwards?
You’ve mentioned this is a one and done thing. What smaller routes are catching your eye for next tour?
Hi from Australia! Thanks heaps for your podcast, it’s my listening staple on my commute to and from work each week. Thought I’d share a video of my 9yo daughter’s first overnight bicycle trip here in Australia. She’s also a big fan of The Pedalshift Project – we listened to 7 hours worth of episodes last weekend on our road trip to and from the start point of our ride! 🚴♂️🚴♀️👍
More connections are rolling in and I have some super cool ones to share in a future pod!
Pedalshift Society
Help support the show and join the Pedalshift Society with monthly or one-shot contributions!
Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
Harry Hugel
Ferguson Meek
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Ruth DeVorsey
Michelle Miller
Matthew Lewis
Michael Baker
Billy Crafton
Paul Culbertson
Scott Culbertson
Matt Perry Danielle Jepson
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!
You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. SEPTEMBER 15th. I’ve heard it. It’s top notch.
No matter what style of riding you practice on tour, you need to drink your water. On this episode of the pod, water treatment and management for bicycle touring. We revisit tips on treatment along with ideas on how to handle your hydration needs.
Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.
DO NOT refill or use containers that held untrusted water without filtering.
Pedalshift Society
Help support the show and join the Pedalshift Society with monthly or one-shot contributions!
Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
Harry Hugel
Ferguson Meek
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Ruth DeVorsey
Michelle Miller
Matthew Lewis
Michael Baker
Billy Crafton
Paul Culbertson
Scott Culbertson
Matt Perry
Danielle Jepson
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!
You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. SEPTEMBER 15th. I’ve heard it. It’s top notch.