The Pedalshift Project 292: Touring Bike Essentials

Best of Pedalshift 292: Touring Bike Essentials

I ride three different bikes for touring, and each one has plusses and minuses depending on what kind of ride I’m looking for. But if you’re new to bike touring or looking for another bike, what should you be thinking about? On this episode, the things I look for in… Read more

The Pedalshift Project 392: eBike Range Test Takeaways

The Pedalshift Project 392: eBike Range Test Takeaways

So I successfully rode 75 miles on a single charge of my eBike battery (with a little bit of a top off!). What did I learn from the adventure and what does it mean for future trips with my ebike?  Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 392:… Read more

The Pedalshift Project 391: eBike Range Test Part 1

The Pedalshift Project 391: eBike Range Test Part 1

On this episode we ride from my cabin to Cumberland, MD on the C&O towpath to see if we can squeeze 75 miles out of my eBike battery! With only one real opportunity to top off, this is a real test with fairly unfun consequences if I run out… did… Read more