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Tag: camping

The Pedalshift Project 061: Bike touring Australia and eating on the road

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated with The Land Down Under, so it’s no wonder I’m drawn to bike touring Australia. On this episode of the pod, we take a look at a vintage tour and one that’s happening right now! Plus, cooking and eating on tour and connections!

the-pedalshift-project-061-bike-touring-australia-and-eating-on-the-roadHey it’s the direct download link: The Pedalshift Project 061: Bike touring Australia and eating on the road (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

The Journal:  Bike touring Australia

Featured Historical Tour

  • Wendy Law Suart and Shirley Duncan circle Australia (1946-1949)
  • 11000 miles/18000 km
  • Planned to bike around Europe, but post WWII was not an ideal time for that
  • So… they decided to bicycle around Australia and do it in 6 months. 3 years later they concluded their epic adventure.
  • This wasn’t a time when women typically traveled alone, much less doing it by bike. Luckily we have a book written by each of them and this *amazing* Movietone News newsreel you can check out on YouTube and in the shownotes. Check out their single speed gear and ingenious drying methods:

Gear Talk

This segment brought to you by a couple of questions from listener Scott Taylor!

Revisiting Stoves

Scott asks on FB:

I was thinking about going “cat can.” But the stoves appear to be less fuel efficient. If I add the extra fuel weight, the cat can ends up cheaper, but heavier. What was your experience?

  • I love tinkering and making alcohol stoves are GREAT for that. Awesome winter work.
  • That said I don’t love the results. For about 15 bucks you can buy an amazing version by Trangia that are bulletproof and easy to use.
  • I also don’t love alcohol for fuel… unless you get the good stuff, you end up with Heet or less than pure alcohol and it burns messily and not so hot.
  • I’m currently loving that Etekcity mini stove I got from Amazon for less than ten bucks. It burns hot and is super frieking small. If you’re flying, you need to get a canister on the far side of your flight… so make time for that. Otherwise? Easy.
  • Second choice… I like the Esbit tab stoves for lightness. The tabs smell awful but they’re light and burn pretty hot. Might take more than one to boil a large pot of water though.

Revisiting food on tour

Scott asks on email:

I’m prepping for my first longer tour and I’d like to get an idea about what food folks carry.

Is it like backpacking?  Carry a week’s worth.  Or more like carry a couple days worth?  Or maybe, just carry a couple meals worth with an emergency back up ration or two.

Food’s a pretty big topic… I’ve talked about it before in the context of dehydration, freezer bag cooking, budgets, critter protection and (yeeg) weight gain.

1 – carry what you like to eat, but know you’re going to change your mind though.
2 – don’t carry more than you need, but always have at least one “backup” meal or bar
3 – if you’re not cycling in back country don’t carry multiple meals “just in case” because it’s a waste of weight and bulk
4 – remember fruits and veggies. Roadside stands are fantastic places. So are berry bushes.
5 – high calorie, low weight: oils, nuts and nut butters
6 – sugar and caffeine are performance enhancers, but use them wisely
7 – are you a cooker or just an eater?
8 – eating out adds up, but it might be worth it (less weight, time to charge gear, time in climate control)
9 – indulge on tour, but remember things change off the bike

By the way, Scott also stuck a fine looking Pedalshift sticker on his ride contributing to a higher orange to bike ratio on this fine planet:

pedalshift sticker


New Listener: Hels and her ongoing tour of Australia

Hi there,
I’ve been listening to your podcast for a few weeks now as I cycle around/across Australia. This is my first bike tour (save for one overnight from the Brisbane area) so I’m really learning as I go and your podcast has been most useful, so thank you very much for the work you do.

I’m listening to back episodes and you often mention you’d like to hear about people’s trips, and when you mentioned in an old episode that you’d like to hear from more female tourers I decided to write and let you know of my trip. You can see the blog at https://www.facebook.com/Helsonwheelswithmlt/

Keep up the great work,
Kind regards

FB page: “An attempt to cycle around Australia by rooky cyclists Hels and MetroLumberTaudevin” — they recently passed day 200 (!!) of their ride around Oz. Lots of goathead flats but what an adventure… go check it out!

bike touring australia with hels

Listener Fred in Texas: Commuting Champ

I’ve gotten into a Commute/Regular Ride practice. My commute can take from 90min- 3ish hours…but there is a catch. I drive my car to a light rail station, ride the train, then get off and ride into work. This is the 90 minute trip. It’s crisp and clean and included a 7.3ish mile ride into work. Fortunately, there are showers, yay! (I have four potential routes at 7, 12, 20, and 25 miles)

My ride home can be the exact same route in reverse but I prefer the longer 20 mile route that is mostly trails. It’s very nice. This can be easily extended to 25 miles. So, when you add in the driving, the train, and the bike ride: it’s 3ish hours.

I don’t consider this “commuting” even though I am. I consider it going for a bike ride and integrating into into my commute. When I don’t have evening rehearsals mucking up my time, I’ll do this three times a week. It’s much more enjoyable then having to deal with traffic, AND it basically frees up my weekends from miscellaneous rides.

Touring? not yet, but that’s OK. Still, I’ve determined that maybe, someday, I’ll do a cross Texas ride because that where  live.

All the best,


Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. A buck, two bucks or even 5 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, and you can do it for a bit and cancel anytime. One-shot support is welcome too… annual or “choose your own adventure”  if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. And society members please go to pedalshift.net/stickers and let me know where to send some Pedalshift stickers to you! On to the Society!

  • Ethan Georgi
  • Matt Buker
  • Kimberly Wilson
  • Caleb Jenkinson
  • Cameron Lien
  • Andrew MacGregor
  • Michael Hart
  • Johnny K
  • Josiah Matthews
  • Keith Nagel
  • Brock Dittus
  • David Kolb
  • Michael Riscica
  • Seth Krieger
  • Marco Lo
  • Terrance Manson
  • Noah Schroer
  • Harry Telgadas
  • John Sikorski

Thank you for supporting the show!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ album, Habitat, wherever cool music resides.  I heard Jason’s new album in January and it is AWESOME. More info when that drops!

fall bike touring

The Pedalshift Project 060: Fall bike touring and planning for winter

Fall bike touring my favorite kind of touring… just hopping on a bike, hearing the crunch of the leaves under the tires and enjoying the cool temperatures inside a warm tent. This episode I chat about my recent mini-tours on the C&O plus my plans for a winter ride in 2017!

The Pedalshift Project 060: Fall bike touring and planning for winterHey it’s the direct download link: The Pedalshift Project 060: Fall bike touring and planning for winter (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

The Journal: Fall bike touring and more

Fall C&O weekenders

  • May try to wedge in one more through ride if I can pull it off
  • Did a wet ride this past weekend… really enjoyed the quiet trail and using the rain gear. When it’s a choice rather than having it foisted upon you, touring in the rain is great.
  • Want to see if I can get Belle Starr out there, but need it to be bone dry (i.e. no hurricanes like last weekend)
  • C&O Water Followup
    • Had a chat with a trail ranger a few weeks ago on the rumor we heard about the Park Service not treating the water pumps at the campsites anymore.
    • This was news to the volunteer and he was skeptical of the rumor. Dehydration on the trail is a costly issue for the Park Service requiring remote rescues that are pretty pricey.
    • In fact the ranger let me know that
      • (a) they are required to carry substantial amounts of extra water on patrol and even more interesting,
      • (b) there are secret caches of drinking water the Park Service has out for emergencies.
    • To be continued, but this makes me think it’s more likely the treatment would change before they would cease well treatment altogether.

Winter ride?

  • I hope to be able to pull off a longer tour next year, but just in case things break differently I’d like to add another week-long tour to the mix… so I’m considering a winter tour.
  • January or February week long ride south enough to be warm enough
  • I like the idea of segmenting the Atlantic route, but I’m not liking the infrastructure in a lot of the east. Florida from Fort Lauderdale to Jacksonville is one possibility and then segmenting the remaining portions north and south of DC in the spring, summer and fall.
  • The one that seems more interesting to me is a desert ride that would be 1 week of the Southern Tier route from San Diego up and over the mountains and across the desert basins to Phoenix. I’d look to complete the remainder of the southern tier in the spring and fall.
  • Crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
Good Afternoon and thank you for contacting the CBBT.
The CBBT would be happy to shuttle you and your bicycle across this facility upon arrival.  We would like to ask that you notify the CBBT at least 48 hours in advance of your estimated arrival to make the transport arrangements.  Please contact the Operations Division at 757.331.2960 ext. 8940.
You will be responsible for your one-way toll of $13.
Safe travels!


Runner turned cyclist

Your podcast episodes are my favorite! So informative and enjoyable! I’m a half marathoner turned cyclist, so you’ve inspired this newbie quite a bit! 
I’ve actually jotted down notes from your show for my first tour this past summer (from Santa Barbara to Orange County). Because of you I’ve been inspired to get a folding bike and take it up to the land of sunshine and bunnies (I’m from San Diego). 
Thank you so much for all the great episodes and wonderful interviews, especially the one with Patience. Her IG pics inspire girls like me to get out there and be adventurous!



Getting back in the game

I am actually going through a training period thru the end of the year before I throw my hat in the ring for my own attempt  at a transcontinental ride.  I recently got back into biking using a recumbent trike after many years setting on the side lines.  I first got the urge to do a transcontentental ride when I was in high school a long time ago, before Bicentennial was even around.  Now at 60 years old with partial paralysis in my legs I am seriously making an effort to accomplish this bucket list item.
Jeffrey from Escondido


Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. A buck, two bucks or even 5 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, plus the  Pedalshift Society allows me to do cool new things I’ll be rolling out in future shows. AND brand new by popular request… one-shot annual support and “choose your own adventure” one shot support if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. On to the Society!

  • Ethan Georgi
  • Matt Buker
  • Kimberly Wilson
  • Caleb Jenkinson
  • Cameron Lien
  • Andrew MacGregor
  • Michael Hart
  • Johnny K
  • Josiah Matthews
  • Keith Nagel
  • Brock Dittus
  • David Kolb
  • Michael Riscica
  • Seth Krieger
  • Marco Lo
  • Terrance Manson
  • Noah Schroer
  • Harry Telgadas

Thank you for supporting the show!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ album, Habitat, wherever cool music resides.  I heard Jason’s new album in January and it is AWESOME. More info when that drops!


The Pedalshift Project 059: Bike touring tributes

On this episode we chat with Instagrammer extraordinaire and cross-country bike touring vet, Patience — aka @biker_girl_pay — on overcoming obstacles and turning loss into something better. Bike touring tributes, plus connections and more!

pedalshift-059-bike-touring-as-a-tribute-to-othersHey it’s the direct download link: The Pedalshift Project 059: Bike touring tributes (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.


This episode is dedicated to Shelli Snyder. Many of you have heard she was on a tour from Cleveland to Seattle and was struck from behind by a person driving a vehicle in Montana. She’s in very bad shape, but we’re hearing good news about her recovery. Pedalshift Society members… your monthly contributions are all going to her recovery fund at GoFundMe. If you’re listening to this and would like to help more, check out the GoFundMe page and consider supporting the fund for her recovery.
The story hits close to home in particular because Patience, as you’ll hear, met Shelly on her ride. I’m really happy to be able to share her experience with you so we know a little more about Shelli outside of what happened in Montana.

Latest update since recording and as the show goes live: Shelli has been transferred home to Cleveland’s MetroHealth. She’s in good hands, but obviously has a long road to recovery.

The Interview: Bike touring tributes with Patience


Patience, or “Pay” AKA @biker_girl_pay on Instagram and her adventures crossing America — from Seattle to Boston — by bicycle.

  • Your adventure had two main driving forces… a bike touring tribute to a friend you lost last year and doing something big between graduation and “the real world.” What about biking from Seattle to Boston checked those boxes?
  • How did the people in your life react to your trip?
  • Your photos in Instagram were  stunning and helped tell your story so well… what were you using to take the pictures and was there anything you’d recommend to bike tourers on how to up their Instagram game?
  • One of the things that pulled me into your ride was it had some classic bike touring drama… some pretty low parts revealing humanity’s awfulness and high points showing off real generosity. What’s stuck with you more?
  • You had someone you were riding with take your wallet… how does that color trust of fellow riders in the future?
  • Let’s talk about your gear. First of all I saw lots of orange so Pedalshift stamp of approval. What were you riding and what guided your bike and gear choices?
    What one thing did you think you’d use a lot, but ended up sending back or otherwise regretting to bring?
  • What was the thing you think most people don’t take on tour, but you wouldn’t leave home without?
  • People often have trouble adjusting to the end of tours… you also are transitioning from school to work…. and you have a connection to the tragedy of Shelli Snyder from Cleveland who was struck from behind by a person in a vehicle in Montana which has really impacted a lot of us. Any one of these things is tough… how has this triple whammy return to “the real world” gone?
  • Any future tours on the horizon?


Merit Badge?

PS member and FOTS Ethan Georgi
Just listened to ep 58 with Riscica talking about being homeless while bike touring & it reminded me. Recently on tour someone asked me if I was homeless. Is there a merit badge for that?

Congrats, you win the first Pedalshift Merit Badge! This is the highly coveted, “Dude, really?” badge for those SMH questions you get on tour.

Collect all 44 badges[footnote]this is arbitrary[/footnote] by making one up and emailing pedalshift@pedalshift.net.

Rabbit hole.

FOTS Todd Tillinger 

More on the rolling resistance of tires. This is for touring and e-bikes, but they test other categories as well.


It’s a nerd’s delight… graphs and data on rolling resistance plotted   against inflation PSI, puncture resistance and more. My head hurts… in a good way!

The Marathon Supremes I roll on get 5/5… I also got some good data-based advice on what pressure is best to roll on. It also confirmed that the puncture resistance is great on the tread but below average on the sides… which we know 😉

Strava + Google Streetview followup

Chatted about Strava heat maps in Ep 056… here’s what PS Society member Cameron Lein on what he does:

What I used to do is look at google maps and try to piece my route together by looking at the overall map and zooming into streetview to see if it is a safe/do-able route. This took some time if I was say headed from western Oregon to eastern Oregon. Now I start by looking at the Strava map and see what route most people are taking. If I look at a section of road and there isn’t any bike traffic then there is usually a good reason for that. 

Glacier Bandits on the GAP

Shares a pic from outside The Crabby Pig in Cumberland…


We can haz evin moar 5 star reviews!!!

Greg Braith
Runner from Evanston

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. A buck, two bucks or even 5 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, plus the  Pedalshift Society allows me to do cool new things I’ll be rolling out in future shows. AND brand new by popular request… one-shot annual support and “choose your own adventure” one shot support if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. On to the Society!

  • Ethan Georgi
  • Matt Buker
  • Kimberly Wilson
  • Caleb Jenkinson
  • Cameron Lien
  • Andrew MacGregor
  • Michael Hart
  • Johnny K
  • Josiah Matthews
  • Keith Nagel
  • Brock Dittus
  • David Kolb
  • Michael Riscica
  • Seth Krieger
  • Marco Lo
  • Terrance Manson

Thank you for supporting the show!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ album, Habitat, wherever cool music resides.  I heard Jason’s new album in January and it is AWESOME. More info when that drops!

Pedalshift 057 Bike touring the Oregon coast

The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with us

I may have only been bike touring the Oregon coast last week, but there’s a lot to say about it! On this episode we also cross over with The Sprocket Podcast 315 to celebrate our partners and how they put up with our antics on and off the bike. Plus… a rant in part 2!

Part 1

Part 2

The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with usHey it’s the direct download links: The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with us (Part 1) (mp3)

The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with us (Part 2) (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

Part 1

The Interview

Saluting our partners: From The Sprocket Podcast, Adele + Brock and Anna + Aaron and my better half, Kimberly.

Part 2

The Journal: Bike touring the Oregon Coast

  • Tillamook County Transportation: The Wave
  • Pacific City and Webb County campground – H/B rate is $19 but it’s all about location
  • Maybe breaking up with Pelican?
  • Relentlessly Oregon dinner
  • Day 2 ride to Beverley Beach SP
  • Beautiful stretch – nice climb and descent to Lincoln City
  • Lincoln City is great for pancakes but not for riding
  • Beautiful vistas and beach access
  • Tsunamis and Earthquakes – The Really Big One (The New Yorker, July 2015)
  • Beverley Beach campground redeemed: great amenities!
  • Shoutout to Tim from Cinci
  • Short day to South Beach SP begins with ride to Yaquina Head lighthouse
  • Newport
  • South Beach SP – a gem
  • Rogue Brewer’s On the Bay
  • An early wake up
  • Lincoln County bus to Albany and train to PDX

A nearly perfect trip: simple, fun and easy. Didn’t need to push and make miles… Got to linger and savor the central coast. Feeling like a full coast trip with transit aided FF return is in the cards next time.

Thanks to everyone for joining for Pedalshift AM – it was a fun experiment to do some live shots on tour. May do some more with that in the future… Go check them out on Facebook!

Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol. 7: Oregon Coast will be available soon in Pedalshift Plus! If you got to listen along with the quasi-live feed and want to hear any previous volumes, check them out in the Pedalshift Plus archives – it all goes to supporting the show!

The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with us

Pics from the trip

The Rant

Seriously, WTF people. Thank you Kevin MacLeod for the Pedalshift rant theme. Again. [footnote]For the curious and, perhaps more importantly, to fully comply with my Creative Commons obligations… the title is Adventure Meme and it’s licensed under CC Attribution 3.0.[/footnote]

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. A buck, two bucks or even 5 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, plus the  Pedalshift Society allows me to do cool new things I’ll be rolling out in future shows. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society.

If you’re interested in one-shot support, consider something over at Pedalshift Plus and get something cool in return! If the Oregon coast talk is interesting, consider Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol. 1 my epic Pacific Coast tour with multiple daily podcasts chronicling my ride in 2014. You can get that at Pedalshift Plus. On to the Society!

  • Ethan Georgi
  • Matt Buker
  • Kimberly Wilson
  • Caleb Jenkinson
  • Cameron Lien
  • Andrew MacGregor
  • Michael Hart
  • Johnny K
  • Josiah Matthews
  • Keith Nagel
  • Brock Dittus
  • David Kolb

Thank you for supporting the show!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ album, Habitat, wherever cool music resides.  I heard Jason’s new album in January and it is AWESOME. More info when that drops!

The Pedalshift Project 056: Bike touring without camping plus Cat from The Joyride

The Pedalshift Project 056: Bike touring without camping plus Cat from The Joyride

Bike touring means a lot of things, but it doesn’t mean you have to sleep on the ground or on top of a picnic table (although both can be awesome). On this episode we uncover the world of bike touring without camping. Plus I have a great chat with the host of The Joyride podcast, Cat Caperello in which we talk about her take on bicycle touring and more. Also a few new things to check out in gear talk and connections with you!

Hey it’s the direct download link: The Pedalshift Project 056: Bike touring without camping (mp3)Pedalshift Project 056 Bike touring without camping

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

The Journal


Recommendation: Listen to the latest Bicycle Story podcast on a 1928 bike tour of 5 African American women who were longing to enjoy the great outdoors. “Their three day ride was about personal pleasure and challenge and calls into question our ideas of who bicycled in history and why.” Great story and thanks to Josh for sharing it with us!

The Oregon Coast Tour

oregon coast 2016 bicycle tour

The Interview

Cat Caperello is a NJ native and the creative force behind The Joyride Podcast and Girl Eats Bike. She started Girl Eats Bike started 5 years ago while on a journey to find fitness and lose weight. 120 pounds later she boldly proclaims the transformative power of the bike, in our personal lives, our communities, and the world at large. Find Cat at the-joyride-podcast.com and on all the socials as well!

Cat Caperello Girl Eats Bike The Joyride

Read more and listen more at girleatsbike.com.

Gear Talk

Strava Heatmap

A cool way to see most used bike routes globally…

Bike Touring without Camping

Example 1: Viola guy from 2012 CA ride

Perhaps the most classic example I’ve personally met for bike touring without camping (although he did do some). No food, no cooking gear. Incredibly minimal bivy on front handlebars, water bottles and minimal toolkit. Paid for most things by credit card… lodging often in hotels, but not exclusively. Ate at restaurants (or wherever he stopped).

Example 2: A “unique approach”

We ride road bikes without carrying any gear other than spare tubes, water, and food. A few days before our trip, we shipped our clothes, toiletries, and gear to each of our two hotels. The boxes included return labels and with one phone call, UPS will later ship them home. This approach allows us to travel light and cover more road. (Bike Overnights)


Thanks for checking in! You can always reach out at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or hit me up in the comments section or on social media.

Jonathan Rinde

Jonathan shares his #44 from the American Cancer Society Bridge to Beach ride… he’s not only a rider and a fundraiser, but also a chance survivor so good on ya for that. Jonathan and his son are riding the C&O and GAP the week after Labor Day, so if you see them on the trail say hello! THANK YOU Jonathan for listening and sharing this fine #44 with me!
jonathan rinde 44

Greg Towner

Greg tweets out a shot from the Erie Canal in beautiful Pittsford, NY… one town over from where I grew up and training camp home to someday Super Bowl champion Buffalo Bills (dream a little dream). Thanks for the mention Greg and hope the ride was as good as it looked!

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. A buck, two bucks or even 5 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, plus the  Pedalshift Society allows me to do cool new things I’ll be rolling out in future shows. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society.

If you’re interested in one-shot support, consider something over at Pedalshift Plus and get something cool in return! If the Oregon coast talk is interesting, consider Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol. 1 my epic Pacific Coast tour with multiple daily podcasts chronicling my ride in 2014. You can get that at Pedalshift Plus. On to the Society!

  • Ethan Georgi
  • Matt Buker
  • Kimberly Wilson
  • Caleb Jenkinson
  • Cameron Lien
  • Andrew MacGregor
  • Michael Hart
  • Johnny K
  • Josiah Matthews
  • Keith Nagel
  • Brock Dittus
  • David Kolb

Thank you for supporting the show!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ album, Habitat, wherever cool music resides.  I heard Jason’s new album in January and it is AWESOME. More info when that drops!