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Hot weather bike touring

The Pedalshift Project 088: Hot weather bicycle touring tips

On this episode, after a weekend overnight in triple digit heat, we cover some hot weather bicycle touring tips. Plus, followup, a tour to follow and more!

The Pedalshift Project 088: Hot weather bicycle touring tipsHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 088: Hot weather bicycle touring tips (mp3)

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Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol.8: Western Penn


Available now at Pedalshift Plus!

The Journal: hot weather bicycle touring tips + more

How’d that #heatindex ride go?

  • Heat index when I left was 104F!
  • Rode really strong out there. Not tempted to stop at MM16 campsite when in past heat index rides, I usually caved.
  • Collapsable cooler full of good stuff – never did this before, but will absolutely do it again for hot rides. More weight, but to have cold drinks and food when I arrived, it was so worth it.
  • Rain cooling me down but made things wet – how I handled it.
  • Camping and hammocking
  • Let’s be cool with each other when we share campsites?

Hot weather bicycle touring tips

  • Time your riding (early AM or even night riding where appropriate)
  • Hydration + electrolytes (my NP suggested Hammer Nutrition, but these by Lyte Fuel are similar, although with a slightly different balance.)
  • Sun protection (hat, sunscreen, arm sleeves)
  • Frequent breaks (AC and shade preferred)
  • Core cooling (drinks and snacks that are cold)


Summer Tour to follow…

snoringyogi on Instagram… he’s a buddy from DC who’s touring Scandinavia right now on a fat tired Surly. Looks like a great ride and I hope to get him on the show later this summer or fall to talk all about it. By the way, this is his first really big tour, so for all of you who are new to this, know you don’t have to be some pro-level tourer to do big things!

Flying with your bike

Alaska Airlines appears to be the best US carrier with its new $25 policy for sporting equipment – we covered that last week. There was an open question about Virgin America’s policy since they’re about to merge with Alaska… answer:

Virgin America for the moment has a $50 fee (previously amongst the lowest and still a good deal) but will presumably drop to $25 once the merger with Alaska happens.

Emergency items

From FOTS and PSS member Ethan Georgi:

EMS (& I imagine REI etc) have pre-packaged First Aid Kits with everything you need. This way you don’t have to figure out what to put in it & assemble all the stuff yourself: done for you. They come in various sizes depending on the number of people in your party. I’ve been carrying mine for years.

ICE card: RoadID (dot com) has a ton of great options. Most importantly they are easy to find by First Responders. Expecting anyone to dig through your panniers while you’re bleeding out sounds like an unnecessary hassle.

Another thing I’d add as a “varsity” level comms device beyond the SPOT is the Garmin inReach… added bonus of having the emergency call is the ability to send text messages via the satellite network that’s a little more robust than the minimal messages for the SPOT.



You were *busy* people!
Check out Matt’s blog at 4ranges.wordpress.com. A lot about finding time to bike when you can, especially in cool places he travels to for work!

Pedalshift Society

Help support the show and join the Pedalshift Society with monthly or one-shot contributions!
Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
Harry Hugel
Ferguson Meek
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Ruth DeVorsey
Michelle Miller
Matthew Lewis
Michael Baker
Billy Crafton
Paul Culbertson
Scott Culbertson
Matt Perry

And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. SEPTEMBER 15th. I’ve heard it. It’s top notch.

emergency items for your next bike tour

The Pedalshift Project 087: Emergency items for your next bike tour

I hope you never need (most) of them, but it’s always a good idea to consider these emergency items for your next bike tour… plus some good news from a US airline that might impact your bike touring and previewing my #heatindex overnight coming up!

The Pedalshift Project 087: Emergency items for your next bike tourHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 087: Emergency items for your next bike tour (mp3)

Subscribe to The Pedalshift Project:
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Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol.8: Western Penn


Available now at Pedalshift Plus!

The Journal

#heatindex ride!

Hoping to get an overnight on the C&O… aaaaand it might be 100 degrees. So there’s that.

Gear Talk: Emergency items for your next bike tour


Another 5 star… who absolutely gets it.
5 star who gets it
Alaska Airlines now flies bikes for $25 each way! Hat tip to Pedalshift Society member Mr. T for sending that along.

Pedalshift Society

Help support the show and join the Pedalshift Society with monthly or one-shot contributions!
Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
Harry Hugel
Ferguson Meek
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Ruth DeVorsey
Michelle Miller
Matthew Lewis
Michael Baker
Billy Crafton
Paul Culbertson

And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. SEPTEMBER 15th. I’ve heard it. It’s top notch.

The Pedalshift Project 086: The best bike touring saddles for you

The best bike touring saddles for you might not be what you expect. On this week’s pod, we tackle the tricky subject of what to choose for your seat.

The Pedalshift Project 086: The best bike touring saddles for youHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 086: The best bike touring saddles for you (mp3)

Subscribe to The Pedalshift Project:
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Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol.8: Western Penn


Available now at Pedalshift Plus!

Gear Talk: The best bike touring saddles for you

  • Do I need an expensive saddle? No.
  • Should I get that Brooks saddle everyone talks about? Maybe.
  • Ho you sit matters… upright? down? in between? You’ll sit on different parts of the saddle, so the saddle shape matters.
  • Gel saddles will probably give you saddle sores because your sit bones will slough all over. Believe it or not, firmer is better
  • Speaking of chafing… my solution for saddle sores has nothing to do with the saddle.
  • Saddle libraries like Gladys Bikes in PDX are great resources, but your LBS is always a good bet.
  • Saddles are *very* personal choices.
  • I like my Brooks, but I don’t find it to be a game changer. Stock saddles may be ok for you… if they’re adjusted right so your sit bones are on them right based on riding position.
  • Resource: Cycling About on saddles

Pedalshift Society

Help support the show and join the Pedalshift Society with monthly or one-shot contributions!
Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
Harry Hugel
Ferguson Meek
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Ruth DeVorsey
Michelle Miller
Matthew Lewis
Michael Baker
Billy Crafton

And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. SEPTEMBER 15th. I’ve heard it. It’s top notch.

The Pedalshift Project 084: Bicycling Western Pennsylvania

I had an amazing adventure bicycling western Pennsylvania last week…. and on this edition of the pod, I tell stories all about biking the Great Allegheny Passage, the Montour Trail and the Panhandle Trail. Spoiler alert: it was hot.

The Pedalshift Project 084: Bicycling Western PennsylvaniaHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 084: Bicycling Western Pennsylvania (mp3)

Subscribe to The Pedalshift Project:
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Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

The Journal: Bicycling Western Pennsylvania


A 5-day adventure that includes the full Montour trail, a hefty helping of the Panhandle Trail and a through-ride of the Great Allegheny Passage. Nearly 300 miles. It was hot.


  • Segment riding the Montour to completion
  • Big help from Dave at The Tandem Connection in Hendersonville… huge help with a weird rear flat
  • Through riding the GAP fro 150-0
  • Wildlife, except the rattlesnake
  • Exploring Pittsburgh off the beaten path
  • Hammock lounging every night
  • Camping every night (but getting showers the last 2!)

Lessons Learned

  •  Sugar isn’t always you friend, until it is.
  • Hydrate and block the sun
  • Lighter is better
  • Frame bags are dope

Pedalshift Tour Journals Volume 8: Western Penn… coming soon!

Full gallery of pictures from biking Western Pennsylvania.

Gear Talk


Another 5 star review from @pedalingpair and feedback on the Ohio route from Pedalshift 082.

Pedalshift Society

Help support the show and join the Pedalshift Society with monthly or one-shot contributions!

Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
Harry Hugel
Ferguson Meek
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Ruth DeVorsey
Michelle Miller

And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for 79 fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. This August.


The Pedalshift Project 081: Bikepacking adventures for new bikepackers

It only took 81 episodes to finally talk about bikepacking… better late than never, right? On this episode, Rob Knapp joins us and chats about what it was like to pick up bikepacking as a racer and how that informs him in how he bikepacks when not trying to come in first.

The Pedalshift Project 081: Bikepacking adventures for new bikepackersHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 081: Bikepacking adventures for new bikepackers (mp3)

Subscribe to The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

Pedalshift Guide to Bicycling the C&O

More entries… more info… check out the Pedalshift Guide to Bicycling the C&O!

Pedalshift Guide to Bicycling the C&O


Mudslide takes out CA Hwy 1… again.

Thomas a WA state park ranger listener on plugging things in:

Thanks for the tips for securing your electronics. I’ve been an LE park ranger for many years, and sadly it’s those crimes of opportunity that occur most often.
For hiker-bikers leaving items charging in restrooms or outlets, I’m always happy to provide my business card to them. Placing a card with a badge on it on top of an unattended charging device is somewhat a deterrent. I imagine most officers would oblige this request. And, you never know when you’d need to call us!

The Journal

I’m riding the Eastern Express! Sort of.
Connelsville to Ohio for sure
Maybe to Indiana? Maybe just a loop to Ohio and take the leisurely route back to DC?
More to come on next week’s episode (the offweek for June will be during the tour).

The Interview: Bikepacking adventures with Rob Knapp

Robert is from the (self-described) boonies of Virginia and got into bikepacking through the Allegheny Mountains Loop (and its Extreme sister ride). Since then he’s tackled bikepacking racing head on, and is also taking Boy Scouts out on much more sedate versions of his rides.

Rob’s Journal

Day 1:  10/24/2016; 3:30am; Mile 0 through 162

I arrived at the Kent Square Blacksburg Parking Garage in good spirits and excited to begin my journey. The ride over to the Virginia Tech War Memorial was uneventful, taking just a few minutes. The town was empty, arriving at the War Memorial, I turned on my Spot GPS and headed out of town. It was nice riding with very few cars on the roads. I descended to the New River in no time. I thought about how I would feel making this climb on the return trip. Riding along the river was nice. The light from the waning moon was enough to highlight the turbulent sections of water. I made the turn onto Spruce Run, knowing this was the first of many climbs. The stars and moon looked beautiful, I saw some deer and skunks along the way. With the first climb behind me, I passed the little town of Newport. A local church painted white, with lights shining, looked beautiful. I thought about stopping for a photo, but I was making good time and decided not to. After Newport, I made my first navigation error, missing a turn. I realized this in short order and was back on course. The darkness plays tricks on you. This is familiar territory, I couldn’t believe I missed the turn. I passed Tawney’s Cave and reminisced about exploring the cave many years ago. I also thought about the time my young wife saved my life. Twenty five years ago while repelling off the cliff I was about to pass located at the base of the Mountain Lake Climb. The rope slipped and I started falling. I held the rope so tight that friction burned through my gloves. I still have scars from that experience. Thankfully my wife was belaying me. The belay caught shortly before I hit the ground. I slammed into the cliff face, but only hurt my foot. With despair, my thoughts were with the challenge that lie ahead. Knowing this race will be one of the hardest things I have ever attempted. Hopefully I will not have to call my wife for a rescue mission.

The climb up to Mountain Lake was the first real climb of the race. I was at the top of the mountain in what felt like no time, but it actually was an hour. I kept admiring the stars, the moon, and the view. Stopping at the hotel I refilled my water bottles. I spoke with the clerk running the desk and told her about the race, she wished me luck.

Leaving Mountain Lake I encountered the first gravel road of any consequence. My bike rolled along smoothly over this National Forest road. The descent past White Rocks Campground was fast but the bike remained sure footed. Passing the campground reminded me of when my son and I camped there when he was just three years old. Those were good times, he kept carrying a stick around and would not put it down. Now 15 years later, he thinks I am crazy for riding my bike so much. After White Rocks I turned toward Paint Bank.

The ride seemed effortless on this paved section. The sun appeared over the mountains to the east. I began to see airplanes in the sky, their contrails shimmering in the morning sun. Around 8:30am the sun began to warm the ground. Woolly Worms started a great migration in both directions from one side of the road to the other. I thought “why does the Woolly Worn cross the road”?  I rode carefully to avoided running over any of these guys. I arrived in Paint Bank around 9am, stopping at the general store I purchased some snacks. What I really wanted was chocolate milk and Route 11 brand potato chips, But the store was out of both.

Leaving the store, I headed to Callaghan. I was on gravel again, climbing to the top of Potts Mountain. When I reached the top I decided to take a short break. The weather was wonderful. I was treated to the sight of an F15 fighter plane performing a banking maneuver at eye level with me. It was an impressive spectacle. Riding to Callaghan went fast, I passed Humpback Covered Bridge and snapped a photo. Reaching Callaghan around noon, I rode to Webb’s Market, just a short distance off the route. I ordered a cheeseburger, a Coke and got my chocolate milk! I asked the nice lady running the counter what their hours were and told her I would try to stop on my way back. She asked where I was going, and said that it was quite an undertaking. While rearranging my gear and packing extra food purchased at Webb’s. Two older gentleman asked me how far I was riding. I told them I was heading to Maryland via the mountains of West Virginia and that I had already ridden almost 100 miles that morning. They told me they had recently driven to Maryland and could not believe I was riding a bike there. I realized that I had lost my pepper spray. I carry this for protection from dogs and bears. It must have shaken out of the bag I had placed it in. Not having this protection concerned me, but not enough for me to stop.

The ride up to Sherwood Lake went fast, the stream next to the road was beautiful. My plan was to top off my water supply at Sherwood Lake Campground. Unfortunately the campground was shut down for the winter. I decided to filter out of the stream on the Singletrack section just outside the campground. Though I missed the stream, once I realized this. I backtracked to the lake and filtered 4 liters from the lake. This water debacle ate up a lot of time. In hindsight I should have stopped at that gorgeous stream on the way up to Sherwood Lake. I made a beeline back to the course and began the long, lonely trek to the next water supply in Bartow, WV. The next 7 miles or so, are very steep and the trail is rough. This section requires a lot of “hike a bike”. While pushing the bike up the steep hills. In order to make my return trip easier, I removed branches and rocks from the trail. I made it to the half was point known as Rimel faster then I thought I would. Rimel is where my friend Gef and I set up a tarp to get out of the rain during the AML race this past May and I thought about how miserable, yet surprisingly fun it was.

After Rimel the section to Rider Gap at the summit of Allegheny Mountain seemed to take forever. The sun set, the wind blew and the temperature dropped. Since it had been hours since seeing a vehicle, I stopped and fixed Turkish Coffee right in the middle of the road. This is not true Turkish Coffee, just my version. It consists of a tablespoon of Cafe Bustelo Coffee with two heaping tablespoons of sugar. The coffee is ground super fine, I drink the grounds and all. I am not much of a coffee drinker, but I truly enjoy this concoction. It offers quite a boost of energy and adds to my alertness. The coffee rejuvenated me and I made it to the summit of Allegheny Mountain (elevation 3,150′).

With smooth pavement, the descent to Mil Gap was fast. Passing some houses, I shot by a few raccoons. Every time I see wildlife, it is surprising how close the animals are to human activity. I turned left at Mill Gap and headed to route 250 and the climb up to Red Oak Knob (elevation 3,750′). I hit something in the road on this gravel section and came close to crashing. Thankfully, I was able to recover, the only effect was burst of adrenaline. I saw some deer on this section and ate one of the PBJ’s I brought from home.

The climb up to Red Oak Knob took some time. I only had two vehicles pass me. One was a car, the other a large truck. He was working his lower gears, fighting the incline to keep his speed up. I could hear him coming from a long way off before he reached me. I got as far over on the shoulder as I could, this driver meant business, and was not about to slow down for some crazy cyclist riding up a mountain well after dark. Once I reached the summit I made the turn toward Camp Allegheny. A dog was not pleased at my presence, barking and growling at me. I told him all was OK and he went back to his business. The hour was quite late, I decided it would be best to stop for the night. I found a flat spot at the base of a large oak tree. I searched the branches with my light to make sure nothing would fall on me during the night. In the treetops the wind was still howling. I was surprised at how much warmer it was at this higher elevation, then down below. I set up my bivy sack and worked on hanging a bear bag with all my food in it. This simple procedure took far longer then it should have. First I threw the bag and forgot to hold the end of the paracord. The cord wrapped around the branch and it took me forever to get it down. After many failed attempts I managed to get the bag into a tree. I returned to my camping spot, brushed my teeth, and realized I did not put all of my food in the bear bag. This time hanging the bag went smoother. When I finally laid my head down it was around 2:30am, I was out like a light.

Day 2:  10/25/2016; 5:00am Mile 162 to 288

It is amazing how a few hours of sleep will rejuvenate a person. I woke in good spirits, I brushed my teeth, packed up and headed to Bartow. I passed the Civil War battlefield, known as Camp Allegheny. Though I could not see much because of the darkness and the waning moon. In my daily life I never noticed how much one day changes the moon phases. The moon was barely a sliver now and not giving off much light. This gravel section went fast because it’s mostly down hill. While moving at a good pace, I noticed a tiny mouse running for his life next to me. I can’t imagine what was going through his mind, other then sheer panic at some huge creature barreling down on him.

The sun began to shine as I reached the outskirts of town. Bartow is a small town with a bit of logging industry. The mills were already running, I considered the prospect  that perhaps they run all night. Though, I don’t think this is the case. I reached Trent’s, this small gas station with a grill, is like an oasis on the AMLX. I ordered three breakfast plates, and the nice lady running the grill suggested that it was a lot of food. I assured her it was not. I purchased Coke, candy bars, and more chocolate milk. I tried to buy a beer, but the lady running the counter said it was too early and I could not buy the beer till 7am. The temperature outside was extremely cold, I asked if I could bring my bike in the store while I ate. She did not seem thrilled with the proposition, I assured her I would be very careful with it and she gave me the okay. I ate my three breakfasts like a starving man and ordered a breakfast pizza they had as the daily special. I told the ladies about my ride and how Trent’s is a well known resupply spot for AML racers. They said a cyclist had stopped about a month before. I assume this was Larry, Chris, or Greg on their AMLX attempts. Upon leaving Trent’s I purchased that beer, as the time was now after 7am. Stashing the beer for later, I felt refreshed and ready for the day.

The road from Bartow to Wymer is very remote. I traveled much of this section during the AML in May. I conquered the big climb out of Bartow. Though I was not prepared for the cold and loneliness of this section. Only five months have passed since my last time through. I was amazed at how still and quiet it was this time. This section is on the western slope of the mountains, the sun did not shine directly on me until I reached Wymer. West Virginia is know for harsh winters, it was as if everything had already gone to sleep in preparation for the long clod winter. No animals showed themselves, not even chirping birds. I finally reached Wymer, the next section of the course is all new to me. I have studied satellite images for months and thought I knew what to expect. Boy was I wrong, Google Earth makes everything look flat, this could not have been further from the truth.

The trail out of Wymer, running essentially on the ridge line, has beautiful views. This section was full of deer and birds, as well as cattle. I reached the turn off for the Dry Fork section of the Cheat River cutoff and decided to go for it. The race has an option of crossing the river on foot and shaves off several miles. The descent down to the river was incredibly steep, I was very glad I opted for disk brakes on my bike. I passed an old cabin before reaching the river. The scene reminded me of picturesque Montana. I finally arrived at the river crossing, getting there took longer then I thought. Because after the initial descent, cyclists are treated to a steep climb before reaching the river. I took my shoes off, secured them, and put on the socks I brought with me. These were my secret weapon. I wrapped the old socks with duck tape to protect my feet from the rocks and any broken glass that might be present. I prepared these socks before leaving home. The crossing took much longer then I thought it would. The water runs swift in this river and the slick round rocks make it hard to get good footing. My secret weapon did protect my feet from getting cut, but I had not planned for how roundness of these rocks. As I stepped, my foot would slide between the rocks, and they would crush my ankles. Lifting the bike on my shoulder, I managed to keep the bikes hubs out of the water, but I could not keep the wheels out. When the wheels would immerse in the water, the river would try to push me over. I finally made it across, thankful I had not fallen in the process. As It was so cold, If I had fallen, it would have been game over. I decided, I would not attempt this madness on the return trip.

My seatpost had been slipping all day, it was 2pm, I had a good chance to make it to the bike shop in Davis, WV. My plan; purchase a stronger seatpost clamp. I departed the river after putting on thin dry socks and shoes. I would discarding my secret weapons at the first trash can I saw. The day was warm and bright, while hurrying, I made another navigation error, riding the wrong way uphill for a few hundred yards. Once back on track I decided to replenish my water supply at a piped spring. The water was cold and sweet. I turned onto what my GPS called the Canaan Loop/Table Rock Trail. Wow, was this section steep and narrow. Looking over the edge, nothing is there to stop one from falling all the way to the bottom. I finally reached the top of the climb, passing under a deadfall. I thought I was through the bad section. “I will be at the bike shop in no time”. Wrong again, I need to learn not to discount how hard this ride is. The trail kept going from bad to worse. For some reason, despite being at the top of a mountain. The trail had huge mud puddles, large enough to swallow a car. Then the trail turned rocky with one to two foot inclines on each rock. “Will this section ever end”?

Finally, I made it to pavement and Black Water Falls State Park, I admired the view of the canyon and falls. The road was good, it felt nice to be on a paved road after so much mud and gravel. When I made it to Davis, I went straight to the bike shop. I made it before closing time, but in my research I failed to notice, they are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, today was Tuesday, “bummer”. I thought about what else I could use to hold my seatpost up. I decided a hose clamp like used on a car would work fine. Where to find a hose clamp in little Davis, WV?

I noticed a pizza restaurant next to the bike shop. Ordering a large pizza, Coke and a beer. I told the lady I needed the beer to have as many calories as possible, while not being heavy. My body needed the instant calories that a beer could provide. I asked if they had Budweiser, she said they did, but she brought me a BudLight. Oh well, not as many calories as a regular beer, but I drank it anyway. I also asked if they knew the owners of the bike shop, she said they did, I explained my situation, she tried to call them on the phone, but did not reach the owners. While at the restaurant, I charged my phone. Taking pictures on airplane mode drains the battery surprisingly fast. I also prepared to layer up. The temperature was beginning to drop as the sun dipped behind the distant mountains. Realizing I left my heavy wool socks at the river crossing. I asked the lady at the pizza restaurant where would be the closest place to purchase some wool socks. She told me the supermarket down the street had a hunting section in the front of the store. After eating I headed to the supermarket, sure enough they had some socks in a three pack. Only needing one pair, I asked the cashier if she could use the other two pairs of socks. I told her I only needed one pair. My cashier referred to the other one, who said it would be okay for her to take my extra socks. She asked about a receipt, I said she could have my receipt. She thanked me for the socks. Though I did not find a hose clamp in Davis, at least I would have warm feet.

Easy rolling; that is what I thought as I left Davis heading to Thomas, WV and the half way mark at the Maryland State Line. Reality; the gravel on the trail out of Thomas is quite large, making for a jarring ride. Getting on and off the bike so much was beginning to hurt my back, the shaking did not help any. “It’s flat all the way to Maryland”; well that is how it looked on Google Earth. The AMLX hit me again, with a steep descent down to the turnaround at the half way mark. This descent meant a steep climb back up immediately after the victory of making it half way. I was treated to the sight and sound of large wind mills turning as they generate power. I really enjoyed seeing and listening to them. I made it to the state line at dust, snapped some photos including a selfie; I look like a crazy man in that photo.

The climb back up was not as bad as I thought it would be. I made it back to Thomas in no time. Thomas appeared to have a revitalization underway, with shops and  restaurants paralleling the rail trail and river. Darkness had fallen, the street was lit up, it looked magical. I would like to visit again some time in the future. I stopped to look at my GPS, to be sure I was on route. I noticed two men talking standing next to an ATV. I approached with a friendly gesture and asked if they knew where I could purchase a hose clamp. The gentlemen were friendly, they had been deer hunting. They said the hardware store would not be open till morning. I explained about the race and one of the gentlemen said he lived close, he thought he had a clamp that would work. I followed him to his home, just a few blocks away. He brought out the clamp and a large screwdriver, he asked if that would do the trick? I told him it was perfect. He also invited me in for some coffee, while I wanted to continue on; “it’s a race you know”. I decided to take him up on his offer. I am glad I did. His name was Jim C., he is retired, he showed me his retirement plan. Over the years; he salvaged wormy chestnut from old barns in the area. He is now selling this rare wood for $12 a board foot. He also makes clocks from the wood and sells them at craft fairs; “not a bad gig”. We drank coffee and ate some potato chips. Jim gave me some walnuts to eat later on, they were good. I thanked him for his hospitality. On the way out of town in the darkness I saw several deer.

I made it back to the “seven miles of Hell” known as the Cahaahan Loop/Table Rock Trail. It was complete darkness with no extra light from the moon. If I made this ride a week earlier, I would have been treated to the light from a full moon. I had a rare cell phone signal and called home. I talked with my wife and son for a few minutes. Riding through the mud and rocks at night was challenging, but doable. After reaching the steep, narrow descent that leads down to the Cheat River, something mystical happened.

About 100 yards down the trail. Directly in front of my front wheel. Something rose from the tall grass. It was a light blue color and appeared to be glowing. It had wings about three feet wide. The wings did not appear to be flapping but may have been. I had a warm feeling and spoke to it. Saying “sorry to disturb you”. Whatever this was, if it had not risen, I would have ran it over. I am not sure what it was, it may have been a bird or perhaps an angel. I don’t think I was hallucinating I knew this section was very dangerous and prepared myself before beginning the trip down. I made it to the bottom without issue seeing no more mystical creatures.

It was very cold at this lower elevation. Once again, I put on my layers. Stopping at the piped spring with the sweet water, I topped off my water supply. Around midnight, I made it to the river crossing. Sure enough, I found my heavy wool socks sitting on a rock. It is surprising how easy it is to loose things while racing. I will have to be more careful. I decided taking the river crossing on a dark and moonless night would be a recipe for disaster. I opted for the longer route, but knew from my prior research that at least the road was paved. Again, the AMLX treated me to several very steep climbs. I was not making very good time. I came upon some more deer, they lived more like mountain goats on these steep mountain slopes. Around 1:00am I stopped in the middle of the road, broke out the alcohol stove and made Turkish Coffee. No vehicles were out at this time of night. The stop revitalized me enough to make it out of the river bottoms. Deciding It would be good to stop for the night. I began looking for a camping spot. I remembered passing an abandoned church earlier in the day. Thinking this would be a good spot I began looking for the church. When I finally arrived it was after 2am. I was extremely tired from the journey. The church had a men’s and women’s outhouse in the back. They were clean, appearing not to have been used in years. Rather then fooling with a bear bag, I stashed my bike in the men’s. I opened my food bags in case mice were present, in hopes they would not chew threw my bags to get at the food. I even left a partly eaten Kind Bar for them. The night was dry I just rolled out my sleeping bag and slept under the stars.

Day 3:  10/26/2016; 5:00am; Mile 288 to 377

A poor choice this morning would lead to extreme pain later in the day. It was very cold this morning. I decided to put my long cycling pants on under my bib shorts. Up to this point, when the temperature dropped I would put the pants on over my shorts. The pants are made of wool and are quite warm, but kept sliding down while I was peddling. The shoulder straps of my bib shorts would hold them in place.

I packed up my gear in short order and headed out, luckily the outhouse was free of rodents all of my food was intact. I ate a few Kind Bars for breakfast and looked forward to a Philly Cheese Steak when I arrived at the oasis known as Trent’s. On the way to Wymer I saw herds of deer. It is weird how so many deer can be in one area and none are in others.

Again the section from Wymer to Bartow felt cold and dead, as if everything had gone to sleep. Before I arrived at Bartow, my bottom began to hurt. I decided to push on and apply Vaseline at Trent’s Grill. By the time I got to Trent’s, I was in pain. I ordered a chicken sandwich, onion rings, French fries, a cheese burger and a salad. For some reason, despite my earlier cravings, I forgot to order a Philly Steak, I guess it was because of the pain. Across the street from Trent’s Grill is Trent’s General Store and Laundry. I decided it would be best to dry all of my layers, especially my bib shorts and cycling pants. Because I did not have a change of clothes I rotated through the drying cycle switching articles of clothing as they dried. As it turns out putting the wool cycling pants on under my bib shorts was a bad idea. They rubbed my bottom raw. I purchased supplies, cleaned up with baby wipes, packed my gear and headed out of town.

The climb out of Bartow was excruciatingly painful. The Vaseline did not help whatsoever. I tried placing tissues on the hurt spots, but they just wadded up, making things worse. I was almost in tears, every rotation of the peddals hurt. When I got out of the saddle the fabric of my shorts felt as if it was tearing my skin off. I had to do something and almost pressed the button on the SPOT GPS that I preprogrammed with a message to my wife that reads “I can not move from this location, please come to the rescue”. I am not a quitter, but the pain was unbearable. One of the nutrition options I brought was a bottle of honey. I remembered how people in ancient times used honey as an antiseptic. The honey did the trick, for whatever reason, it allowed the fabric to slide away rather then tearing at my skin. I also decided to carefully fold up my cycling pants and zip tie them to the bike seat, this gave some extra padding. In an effort to lighten the load on my rear end, I  removed the 3 liters of water from my backpack and attached it to my handlebars. In better spirits, I would refer to myself as “Honey Butt” for the remainder of the journey.

Moving along at a better pace now, I read the historical marker about the battle of Camp Allegheny and realized my problems were nothing compared to what these soldiers had gone through. Accelerating down Red Oak Knob was exlihirating. I made the turn toward Mill Gap. This area has beautiful scenery, reminiscent of the Western States. I stopped to photograph a cabin made from an old school bus, it was a very interesting cabin. Next I passed a cute little girl playing in her driveway, she waved and I waved back. Now at 16, I thought about when my son was little and how fast the years have gone by. I left Mill Gap and the little girl behind me. Hearing something in the woods. I looked over to see a bobcat next to the creek. This was thrilling. I have never seen a bobcat in the wild before. I began the grueling climb up Allegheny Mountain.

Finally reaching the summit of this paved section. The time was nearing nightfall. Turning back onto the gravel I began making the climb up to the ridge line that I would follow for the next 40 miles or so. The road is quite steep, I was pushing my bike. When a couple in a pickup truck stopped and asked if I was lost. I told them I was not. They told me about a better route I could travel. I told them about the race, they asked if I knew what I was getting myself into. I assured them I did and that I was prepared with plenty of water, because this section is completely dry. I think they thought I was nuts they wished me luck, I continued on. These were the last people I wold see, till the next morning.

By the time I reached the ridge line it was completely dark. The road parallels the Virginia, West Virginia boarder. The wind was howling along the ridge, it was cold. I kept seeing two lights in the woods. They looked like they were just a few feet off in the woods. I thought it was a hunting camp that I would soon ride by, but that never happened. The lower light was a golden color while the other was a warm blue. The same warm blue as the creature I saw the night before. Could this e related? As humans, do we know everything that goes on in our world? The blue light was above the gold at a 45 degree angle. They remained in this pattern for miles. At around 8:00pm, it was time for Turkish Coffee. As I was extremely tired, I went for broke and prepared a double shot. I planned on riding nonstop back to Blacksburg. This was not to be.

Rounding a bend in the road the lights disappeared, I passed a flat section. The wind was not blowing and it was at least 15 degrees warmer. The double shot of coffee and sugar did not have the effect I was hoping for. Without much thought I turned around around, set up camp at the flat, warm spot. I found a tree to hang the bear bag. This time, making sure all my food was in the bag. I set up the bivy and instantly fell asleep. It was only 9:30pm, I never go to bed that early.

Day 4:  10/27/2016; 3:30am; Mile 377 to 518.5

This would prove to be an emotional day. I woke fully rested at 3:30am, I packed up quickly and left camp. About a quarter mile out of camp, I was back in the cold and howling wind. When the cold wind started blowing again I searched for my gloves. I could not find them. I returned to my camping spot, still warm and wind free. I did not find my gloves, but I had forgotten to pack the bag for my sleeping pad and some trash. I packed both of these and was glad I had returned, but was concerned about not finding my gloves. They are North Face Wind-Stopper Gloves that I have had for about 20 years. They are amazing gloves and always do a good job insulating me from the cold. About 5 miles later I thought about the possibility that I dropped them on the ground when hanging the bear bag. Being too far to cycle back. I considered the possibility of driving back up at a later date in an attempt to find them. Did I mention, I really like those gloves? As it turned out, I packed them up in the bivy sack, I did not realize this until after I made it home and unpacked. I did not see the lights any longer, but wondered if they could have been some kind of guardian angel, who knows. For some reason I became very emotional this morning. Every time I thought that I might finish and about friends and my family at the finish line. I would get all choked up, I was on the verge of crying.

Cycling past Rimel, I made it to the section known as the Sherwood Lake Cutoff. This section was very challenging during my AML attempt back in May. The trail keeps getting smaller and smaller as it meanders through fields, then woods. At least this time it was not raining. I got whiffs of the paper mill located in Covington, VA. This is a very unpleasant smell. The wind had died down and it was much warmer. This is the section a few days before, I had cleared branches and rocks from. Once again, I made a navigation error. The funny (or not so funny) thing is Gef and I made this same mistake in May. I went about a mile off course on a fairly steep descent. This meant I had to climb and push the bike back up the hill. This mistake ate up a fair amount of time. Back on course I was descending at a rapid pace. Until 4:30am…….

Flying through the air I landed hard, it sounded like the bike landed even harder. Going over the handlebars at a high rate of speed is not fun. Usually if I crash my bike it is as if the crash is in slow motion. This time it was fast and violent. I laid motionless for a few minutes. Checking myself over, I discovered a scraped knee and a small cut on my leg. I noticed a fallen branch with a sharp offshoot sticking out. I had missed landing on that branch by about a foot, this would have impaled me. My thoughts went to my bike. I found the branch, I had not seen, prior to it crashing. This caused my front wheel to stop instantly as I was traveling at around 20 mph. It was only a foot and a half long and roughly 3 inches in diameter. If only I had missed it by an inch or two on either side. I checked the front wheel first as it sustained the initial impact. The wheel was fine. Then I checked the rear wheel and the rest of the bike. The only damage I could find was my brake lever had moved out of its normal alignment. I fixed this and continued on.

I was looking forward to reaching the paved section of road. After wrecking, mentally I was done with the gravel and trails. I found the stream I had missed the other day and filtered it’s clear sweet water. I knew the road was close and was so happy when I reached it. Well I should not have underestimated the AMLX. Almost immediately after reaching pavement. The temperature dropped significantly, I put all 9 layers on and was still cold. Since I did not have my gloves I put the socks purchased in Davis in my hands. There was a low fog that appeared to be only 20 feet above the ground, this was an inversion layer. The cold and fog lasted all the way to Calhagan, I was freezing when I reached Webb’s.

The same lady from the other day was working. She could tell I had been through a lot. She allowed me to sit on some large bags of dog food. While I ate two sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits, drank Coke and chocolate milk and warmed up. A man came into the store and was telling her about an altercation he had the day before at Advance Auto Parts. He runs an auto repair shop in town and said he spends about 60,000 dollars a year at Advance Auto. The employees and manager allow him to use the diagnostic equipment on a regular basis. Evidently a traveling supervisor was visiting the store. He was not happy about this, and got violent with the man. He showed me a video of the altercation, it was unbelievable. The traveling supervisor, a middle aged man, completely over reacted assaulting the customer. I imagine he lost his job, because the police were involved and the customer sent the video to the corporate office. If only people would realize their is so much more to the world. So much mystery as I have encountered the past few days. I stayed at Webb’s longer then I should have. Before leaving, I used the bathroom, they had a large sign on the door about not flushing feminine hygiene products. The situation with my bottom still existed, the sign gave me an idea. I am now a proud user of feminine hygiene products. When paying I told the nice lady that I was in so much pain that the embarrassment of buying pads did not bother me. She smiled and said she could only imagine. I stuck two of the pads to my saddle. They offered a little more cushion.

It was around 9am when I finally got my courage up to head back into the cold. The sun had warmed things quite nicely. A few miles later, I packed up my layers. The constant variations in temperature were challenging at best, it took lots of time adding or removing layers and packing them into my cycling bags. It’s easy going from here, less then 100 miles to go, just a two gravel climbs of any consequence. Did I mention not to discount what the AMLX will throw at you?  I had just turned onto road the leads over Potts Mountain. When I heard a clap of thunder. This road is in a narrow valley I could not see much of the sky. I retrieved my rain jacket and put it on. By the time I zipped the jacket, the sky opened up. I thought to myself, it’s almost F#*%+!~ November, we are not supposed to have thunder storms in late October. Thankfully the rain did not last long.

When I reached the top of the mountain a man on a tractor was grading the road. He worked for the Virginia Department of Transportation.  I stopped at the summit and asked the driver if he would take my picture, he did. We talked about his job and if he enjoyed being out in the middle of nowhere. I told him about my ride, he kept telling me to be careful, that he had just graded the road and the gravel was loose. It must be a lonely job, because he kept talking. I finally managed to break way, after all, this is a race you know. I sped down the mountain and made it to Paint Bank.

Making a fast stop in Paint Bank. I topped off water, bought beer (for calories), Powerade, and some candy bars. This would be my last resupply stop. I would be back in Blacksburg in no time. This was not to be. The AMLX hit me with some of the strongest head winds I have ever cycled into. Though the paved road is nice and straight, but I did not make good time. Thankfully I had some nice encounters with wildlife. I passed a weasel on the side of the road. He tried hiding behind a small bush, standing up on his hind feet as if he was part of the trunk, I told him I could see him and that he should have jumped into the small pond that must be his home. Next I saw two vultures, who were looking for lunch. I joked with them that I was close to being the lunch they were seeking. Talking to these animals helped keep me out of the emotional roller coaster I was in. I finally made it to the turnoff to Mountain  Lake. I was not looking forward to this climb. It was back to gravel. The road was steep, I kept pretending I was Scottie from Star Trek, in my best Scotish accent I kept saying “she has no more gears cap’pan I am giving er all she’s got”.

As I reached the top of the climb. Two of my cycling buddies Gef and Justin arrived. They had ridden out from Blacksburg to escort me the remaining miles back. This really lifted my spirits! I did not have to contend with being a blathering idiot any longer. We pushed on to Mountain Lake Hotel. I stopped to fill my water bottles for the final 30 miles back to Blacksburg. A man pulled up in a Porsche. The car had Maryland License Plates. I told him I had just come from Maryland two days before. He told me he does some cycling, he was astonished at this ride though.

Justin, Gef and I headed out and began the descent from Mountain Lake. Gef was snapping photos of me and nearly crashed. We reached Newport then the New River. Justin kept reminding me to stay away from the edge of the road. Riding so many miles alone, I was not used to having cyclists close to me. Just before reaching the bottom of the climb into Blacksburg. Gef had a flat, they told me to continue on. I did, they caught up to me within a few miles. David another cycling friend met us about half way up he was ringing a cow bell. The four of us slowly made our way to the War Memorial at Virginia Tech. It was great to see my wife and son who were waiting. They made me a sign that read “Go Rob, the AMLX Stud”. We hugged, talked and joked for about 15 minutes. I could barley stand up, my legs were swollen, my back was killing me. I was overwhelmed with a great feeling of accomplishment. Despite only being away from home for three and a half days. I learned a lot about myself on this journey. I am looking forward to my next cycling journey.


Pedalshift Society

Help support the show and join the Pedalshift Society with monthly or one-shot contributions!

Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
Dereck Waggoner
Harry Hugel
Ferguson Meek
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for 79 fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. This August.

The Pedalshift Project 080: Paring down your gear and keeping things charged on bike tour

Let’s talk gear. If you’re like me, you probably carry too much, “just in case.” On this episode, I talk about my recent attempts to whittle the weight down. Plus, strategies for keeping things charged on bike tour!

The Pedalshift Project 080: Paring down your gear and keeping things charged on bike tourHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 080: Paring down your gear and keeping things charged on bike tour (mp3)

Subscribe to The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

Pedalshift Guide to Bicycling the C&O

More entries… more info… check out the Pedalshift Guide to Bicycling the C&O!

Pedalshift Guide to Bicycling the C&O

Gear Talk: paring down and keeping things charged

Paring down your bike tour gear

Experiment: What’s the bare minimum for me balancing comfort and gear I own? Can I get into fewer bags?
Answer: yes!
sleeping bag
spare tube
spare shirt
spare underwear
spare socks
toiletry bag (incl. ibuprofin, caffeine and electrolyte pills)
batteries and cable
water bottles or bladder
Fits in 1 pannier, 1 compression bag (Brompton – NO BACKPACK NECESSARY!)
Fits in 1 compression bag and one rack bag (Safari) – adding a frame bag to try it out
No stove, no kit – all food is grab and go (a stove and kit *does* fit though)
Includes the rack bag so it can be easily broken down and carried/checked
Helmet. Would likely just clip on outside of the rack bag.
All the gear laid out
Brompton packing
Bag to check

Keeping things charged on bike tour

Keeping things charged – beyond batteries and dynohubs, where to plug in?
  • Coffee shops
  • Restaurants
  • Gas stations
  • Grocery store eating areas
  • Outside – look for plugged in things and check behind. Often there’s a free outlet (soda and vending machines, lights, signs, etc.)


Hey Tim,
     Just wanted to share that the weather and my schedule finally aligned so that I was able to get my first bike overnight under my belt. Not anything super exciting, but did a good 46 mile ride from my house to John Bryan State Park near Yellow Springs Ohio, and then back the next morning. I didn’t really explore the park at all, I was pretty beat by the time I got there, so just cooked some dinner and got a fire going and relaxed at the campground.
Lessons learned:
1. My legs aren’t as strong as I thought they were!  I’m used to fairly flat roads here in central Ohio, but the last 10 miles to the park had some rolling hills coupled with a pretty good headwind, and I ended up having to hop off and push my bike up the last steep climb into the park.
2.  Make sure your bike fit is really dialed in before a loaded bike trip. This was my first real long ride on this bike with it loaded with all my gear, and I started getting some pretty bad knee pain on my way home the second day. After checking some adjustments I ended up tweaking the saddle position a bit, so hopefully that will solve it.
I have some more pictures up on my instagram @goingforabikeride , but here are a couple.

Pedalshift Society

Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
Dereck Waggoner
Harry Hugel
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for 79 fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. This August.

The Pedalshift Project 077: Bike touring differently

Jeremy Mendelson joins the show to talk about his take on bike touring differently: from a bike touring focused lifestyle to vegan touring to riding  little clown bikes and much more.

The Pedalshift Project 077: Bike touring differentlyHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 077: Bike touring differently (mp3)

Subscribe to The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

The Interview: bike touring differently with Jeremy Mendelson

Jeremy Mendelson is a transit planner, geographer, traveler, bus driver, advocate and co-founder of TransitMatters in Boston. He’s currently working in Colorado for the winter season and as we’ll talk about in the interview, that’s more of a means to an end in his bike travel oriented life setup. Living a more nomadic life that serves his bike touring is just the tip of the iceberg for how Jeremy tours differently. He’s a longtime vegan, which we chat about, and a fan of touring on the little clown bike itself, the Brompton. Such a great discussion…


  • So much to chat about, but I think we should start by talking about your lifestyle… you describe yourself as living a semi-nomadic lifestyle. What was your journey to end up there?
  • How did you get into bike touring differently?
  • How does your perspective being a geographer inform your bike touring? Do you think you tour differently because of that?
  • Let’s dive into the vegan thing. I find everyone who is fully plant-based eaters or trending in that direction have a good story to tell about how they got there. What’s yours?
  • My experience is it’s not hard to eat totally plant-based almost anyplace, but in parts of the country (and the world) the tradeoff tends to mean having to eat a lot of processed stuff or sugary foods I would rather avoid. What’s your experience like and what do you do in “food deserts” on tour?
  • Having just finished a weekend tour, I found my ability to stick with my eating plan was always battered by (a) my sudden intense caloric needs, (b) my weird cravings and (c) availability. What’s your general plan when you tour to eat plant-based?
  • One of the big benefits I see with plant based eating on tour is cost savings… can you chat a bit about that?
  • Let’s shift gears and chat about your adventures touring on a Brompton. What’s your favorite part about touring on “the little clown bike”?
  • What gear do you tend to leave at home or pare down on when on the Brompton and how do you split it all up on the bike?
  • You’re a bus driver and transit enthusiast so you’re a natural to chat about fast forwards. How do you use them and what’s your favorite one you’ve ever done?
  • What’s next for you?
  • Read and listen more at criticaltransit.com.


If you want to hear more about touring on a Brompton, check out Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol. 5: California Coast. Can a loaded Brompton handle the hills of Big Sur? An hour and 46 minutes of touring stories for 10 bucks… and it helps support the show! Here’s a preview:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/263428306″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]


Another 5-star review over on iTunes!

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. Five bucks, two bucks or even 1 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, and you can do it for a bit and cancel anytime. One-shot support is welcome if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. And society members please go to pedalshift.net/stickers and let me know where to send some Pedalshift stickers to you! On to the Society!

Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Michael Riscica
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for 77 fine episodes. I got news for ya. New. Sunfields. Album. This August.

Belle Starr

The Pedalshift Project 076: Bicycle touring’s for the dogs plus the Katy Trail by bike

Two great tour journals in one pod! First, I tell the tale of my C&O ride with Belle Starr and then I read a great submission from a listener about her adventures on the Katy Trail. Plus, you never know when emergency fixes can come in handy…

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 076: Bicycle touring’s for the dogs plus the Katy Trail by bike (mp3)

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Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.


The Big Sur bridge is OUT. Rumors of bike crossings clearly not relevant 😉 UPDATE: set to reopen in September!

Newsletter subscribers… my dog’s name is Belle STARR with two R’s. Autocorrect is the bane of my existence and clearly I am simultaneously a poor editor and a bad dog daddy.

Alan Leopold got his day saved by one of the emergency fixes on ep 046!

Hi Tim, I started listening to your podcast a couple weeks ago. Today i was riding our local trail, 400 Trail, and listening to podcast 046 when my rear derailleur broke just as I was listening to your advice. I carry tools and within 15 minutes I was heading back to my truck with a fixed gear bike. I would say that is one of the craziest coincidences I’ve ever ran into. I love your podcast and I’m binge listening to get caught up. Keep up the good work!!
emergency fixes from Pedalshift

The Journal: C&O plus the Katy Trail by bike

  • Trail conditions
  • Much harder with extra weight!
  • Paw Paw Tunnel update
  • Bypass starting in June – Check out Preston Paige’s video as a how to. I ran into him minutes before he recorded this. You can catch a brief glimpse of me and Belle Starr sitting at a distant bench at about 14:10!
  • Hotel night
  • Less daily mileage – normally do 60 loaded, but super loaded I’d do the whole trail in 4-5 days rather than 3. Much more fun that way.
  • Don’t mess with dog’s food too much. She didn’t like the freeze dried stuff on the trail, even though she was fine with it at home.
  • Safety first always. I tested and retested this setup a lot. There were tradeoffs for her comfort and her desire to watch me the whole time (seriously… she wouldn’t ride in a trailer because of that!)
  • Definitely will ride with her again on multiway trips, but will absolutely dial back my riding expectations!
Outside Paw Paw Tunnel
About to go into Paw Paw Tunnel
Smiling pretty in her bag
Kicking off at Mile 0, Cumberland
Belle Starr loves the tent
Water break selfie with Belle Starr
One of the dams gets Belle’s attention
Breakfast in Hancock
Belle Starr
Belle Starr says, no worries, I got this flat…
Potomac River over the flood wall, kissing the trail
Break time on the trail

Katy Trail Tour Journal

katy trail bicycle tour

More photos from Ann’s tour!

Good Morning. I stumbled upon your podcast about 9 months ago and have been catching up on past episodes. I began listening to episode 62 during this mornings 20 minute commute to work.Thought I’d shoot you a quick note to tell you about my recent tour since it relates to two topics discussed on this episode.

I just finished a semi-self supported tour with my dog on the Katy Trail. I’m a Special Education Teacher and my dog, Harley Sue, is a certified service dog. This was our Spring Break adventure. (March 18-26). Harley is a border collie mix, so she weighs a bit more than your pugs. Therefore, my best option for taking her on bike tours is using a bike trailer. We did 60 miles on the Katy in July using a Schwinn children’s bike trailer with the children’s harnesses removed, but the floor is fabric and slanted, giving me concerns about it’s comfort on a a long distance tour. Therefore, I purchased an Aosom Elite Pet Bike trailer on Amazon. I put a nice padded bed in the the trailer and she seemed really comfortable.

The Katy Trail is crushed limestone. It’s a great trail and is typically very well maintained. I live about two hours from the trail so I’ve experienced it in all weather conditions. Spring is one of the tougher times to bike the trail because the winter thaw and spring rains tend to keep it a bit mushy. During the summer the trail dries out enough that it is almost like riding on pavement.

Harley Sue and I started our adventure in Clinton, Mo and finished our first day of biking in Sedalia. (36 miles). I had a friend drop us off in Clinton. She then took our stuff to Sedalia where a few more friends joined her to bike out to meet me in Green Ridge. I typically bike 5 or 6 miles and then let Harley Sue out to run for a mile or so. I typically use a bungee leash to attach Harley’s harness to my seat post. When we were away from roads, and by ourselves on the trail, I let her run beside me off leash. (against the rules)

The beginning section of the Katy Trial is mostly surrounded by grasslands and prairie. The first 9.1 miles are close to a highway before heading into the trees for another 7.5 miles. The recent rains made the trail soft, and crosswinds kept my average speed around 8 mph. (Without carrying all of my own stuff) The marker for the highest elevation on the trail can be found between Windsor and Green Ridge. I did encounter some loose dogs at Windsor. They chased us from the moment we got to town until we arrived at the trail-head and I got off of my bike. Thankfully, Harley was in the trailer during this chase.

The trailheads on The Katy Trail are really nice. They have great descriptions of the history of the area and give a preview of trail highlights that riders should look for as they bike. They have a bench and a roof that provides a bit of protection during mild rain. From November to mid April all of the water is shut off along the trail and many of the bathrooms are closed. They do put portable toilets at most of the trailheads. Also, most restaurants are closed on Monday’s and during the winter season many are only open on Thurs, Friday, Saturday.

The remainder of our tour went well. We battled a headwind ranging from 16 to 27 mph for the first 6 days. Temperatures on our trip ranged from 41 degrees to 87 degrees. We managed to outrun a thunderstorm arriving to the Tebbets Shelter (only one on the trail) moments before the down pour and hail started. I was extremely excited to find that the hostel was stocked with coffee and a coffee pot! I cannot recommend the Tebbets Shelter enough. It has 40 bunk beds, showers, bathrooms, a bicycle repair shop, a kitchen stocked with peanut butter, jelly, bread,coffee, coffee pot, cups, microwave, hot plate, toaster oven, grills, cooking, and eating utensils. All of this for a $6 donation.

I learned that it takes a lot of energy to haul 115lbs on a bike. Way more than I anticipated. Carrying and eating enough food was a challenge. We stayed mostly in hotels or bed and breakfasts so I didn’t carry a tent. But I did carry 4-6 litters of water each day, food for both of us, and clothes for every weather. I even ran out of water on my 42 mile day in 87 degree heat. Thankfully, Cooper’s Landing (campground, small store in Easley) was open so I could purchase water and snacks for my remaining 9 miles.

Harley Sue was a trooper through the whole adventure. However, on day 6 she just seemed off. She didn’t really want to get out of the trailer and run. Thankfully, a friend was meeting me at the trail-head 16 miles away. We battled a 27 mph headwind for 3.5 hours. I’d eaten most of the food I was carrying (1/2 banana left) and arrived at the trail-head with blurry vision, and dizzy. Harley was so excited to see my truck that she ran straight to it and refused to get out for the rest of the day. My friend got me something to eat and took me to a trail-head farther East so that I could finish that days remaining 18 miles with the wind. Harley was feeling better by the next morning and biked with me for all but 6 miles. I spent two days exploring in St. Charles, so Harley could rest and I avoided biking during a day of thunderstorms. We finished the last 12 miles to Machens (end of the trail) on Sunday morning and then made the 4.5 hour trip back to Kansas by car. We biked 241 miles and spent 42 hours on the trail.

It was a memorable experience, but I don’t think I’ll bring Harley on another LONG bike ride. She’s getting up in age (9) and I think the long days on the bike are just a bit too much for her. While she loves going places and being with me; I think she just couldn’t relax enough to get good sleep while I was biking. I took a pop-up kennel with me so she could sleep better at night, but she continues to be tired. She also didn’t want to eat her dog food, but was willing to eat some of my food. I was able to get her eggs at some of the hotels.

Live life to the fullest and enjoy the ride!

Ann Wilhelm and Harley Sue
Lawrence, KS
cyclingthroughlife.com (work in progress)

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. Five bucks, two bucks or even 1 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, and you can do it for a bit and cancel anytime. One-shot support is welcome if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. And society members please go to pedalshift.net/stickers and let me know where to send some Pedalshift stickers to you! On to the Society!
Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Michael Riscica
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!

The Pedalshift Project 070: The magical mystery winter bicycle tour

A winter bicycle tour on the C&O is a rare treat for me… but warm February weather in the DC area made it impossible to resist. Come along for the ride with Belle Starr and me!

The Pedalshift Project 070: The magical mystery winter bicycle tourHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 070: The magical mystery winter bicycle tour (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshiftproject@gmail.com or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

The Journal: The magical mystery winter bicycle tour

  • Washington, DC to Swains Lock
  • Check out the campsite review:

Gear Talk

The Omnicharge… first impressions:
  • A relatively large battery (20.400mAh 100W output). 
  • That said, it’s way heavier than comparable 20.4mAh batteries and bigger too.
  • 2 USB ports with smart charging tech that maximizes power and minimizes charge times.
  • Flow through charging – power devices while charging the battery (great for one outlet situations)
  • The difference (and reason for the bulk) is the ability to charge AC power with a “regular” plug (3 prong for US and similar countries; European and other outlets available too)
  • I love the screen that gives detailed battery data so I know precisely how much juice is left
  • The weight makes it more of a “camp” battery – wouldn’t keep it in a handlebar bag.
  • I think this is great if you are doing a longer ride with (a) spotty access to AC, and (b) AC powering needs.
  • If you’re only in need of USB power, this is not the battery for you. There are cheaper and lighter/smaller batteries.


  • More 5 stars
  • Hey, how’d you find the show?
The gentlemen over at Sprocket Podcast started the question… did you find Pedalshift first or Sprocket first? Or did you find both someplace else? Go over to pedalshift.net/whofirst for a quick 1 question survey. We’ll tally it up and we’ll know! Between you and me, I think more of you can from them… but let’s use this nonscientific poll to illuminate the subject!

Next week!

Guthrie Straw joins the Pedalshift Project to chat about touring in India and Eastern Oregon. Awesome chat… and the following week we’ll be talking about a hypothetical bike tour where you’re constantly chasing ideal weather. Got a great three weeks of shows coming!


Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. Five bucks, two bucks or even 1 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, and you can do it for a bit and cancel anytime. One-shot support is welcome if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. And society members please go to pedalshift.net/stickers and let me know where to send some Pedalshift stickers to you! On to the Society!

Ethan Georgi
Matt Buker
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Michael Riscica
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ latest release, Habitat, wherever cool music resides. And a little birdy tells me Jason’s recording some new music. More when I know…

bike touring stoves

The Pedalshift Project 067: More bike touring stove tests, intermittent fasting and counterintuitive foot-warming advice

Follow-up on bike touring stove tests, an overview on intermittent fasting for those of us who, ahhh… maybe put on a few pounds since the end of bike touring season? Plus counterintuitive advice on keeping your feet warm on tour and more!

Pedalshift 067 Bike touring stove testsHey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 067: More bike touring stove tests, intermittent fasting and counterintuitive foot-warming advice (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshiftproject@gmail.com or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

The Journal

Another C&O fast forward option: MARC

Maryland’s regional commuter rail system is *finally* adding bike cars to all lines through 2017, which means you have another fast forward option to/from Brunswick, MD and Washington, DC… and it’ll be much cheaper than Amtrak’s Harpers Ferry option just 5 miles away. ($9 vs. $34)

Retrofitting of the first bike rack-equipped cars is expected to start early next spring and will be advertised once work on a critical mass of cars has been completed. Projected completion of this round of bike modifications should be sometime in fall 2017, with the rest of the fleet completed as funding allows. (MTA)

Weight gain and loss – the ongoing saga

My typical post-touring season weight gain rears its ugly head. Need to drop 20 pounds before touring season plus I would like to try to make it more permanent this time.
Trying something new this year: intermittent fasting

Important: I do *not* recommend this while on tour. In fact it could be dangerous if timed wrong. Also, check with your doctor before trying anything like this because fasting is not recommended for a lot of people (the young, pregnant women, etc.)

Combines calorie restriction with regular periods of fasting
Studies show it’s good for a variety of things beyond weight loss
Check out Eat, Fast and Live Longer by the BBC for more

5/2 (5 days at “normal” caloric needs and 2 days at 25%)
18/6 (18 hours fasting, 6 hours feeding)
Results? I just moved to the 18/6 method a few days ago and have continued to see fantastic results from a weight loss perspective. No issues with hunger although you’d be surprised how hard it is to jam all of your calories into a 6 hour window, even if they are reduced!

Reiterating: I do *not* recommend this while on tour. In fact it could be dangerous if timed wrong. Also, check with your doctor before trying anything like this because fasting is not recommended for a lot of people (the young, pregnant women, etc.)

Gear Talk

More bike touring stove tests

bike touring stoves
…and just to further the stove info.  I have an Optimus Svea and a cheap ebay burner for the ubiquitous canisters…both boil 16 ounces of water in under 4 minutes. I tested them both tonight because I can’t ride outdoors….18″ of snow so far and more on the way!  Both weigh around 20 ounces when full of fuel.  It really is a trade off when it comes to weight.  I really like the alcohol option compared to the Svea just for the fact that if I ever spill anything I don’t worry about contaminating the environment.. Same thing for the Ebay burner…if it leaks, it doesn’t pollute the ground….although it probably pollutes the air to a degree….hmmmm….
Continuing thanks to Pedalshift Society member Brian Hren for tackling this!
Counterintuitive advice
A randonneur friend of mine had already convinced me of the counter-intuitive wisdom of sandals for riding in rain. That’s right, sandals. In wet conditions, there is no chance of ending up with shoes full of water. Less obvious is that sandals work well in cold as well because you can easily add layers without fear of running out of room in your shoe. After my experience on Togwotee Pass, more recently I have worn two layers of socks under the SealSkins with my Shimano biking sandals in cold, rainy conditions in Washington, Idaho, and Scotland, and my feet stayed nice and toasty.
Hands are more of a challenge, but for cold I have found that thin smartwool gloves under Thinsulate half-finger convertible glove/mittens work very well. See this link on Amazon:
In all but a drenching downpour these do the trick, as they shed lighter rain pretty effectively and you can easily pull the mitten part back when you need use of your fingers. My only issue with them is that the finger openings on this particular brand are fairly tight, so I should have bought a size larger than I did. I have tried neoprene gloves, but found them to be ineffective and my hands ended up drowning in sweat.

PSS Member Seth Krieger!

The GoTenna

Staying connected when you’re on different cell networks or there’s no signal, or there’s signal for one but not another? Mesh networks using long range radios seems to be an interesting idea.
Since I don’t tend to bike with groups, this might not be for me… but for those who ride in groups that tend to get separated, this is a nice bit of insurance in areas with low or no cell coverage. 4 mile range (less in mountainous terrain I’m sure).

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. Five bucks, two bucks or even 1 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, and you can do it for a bit and cancel anytime. One-shot support is welcome if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. And society members please go to pedalshift.net/stickers and let me know where to send some Pedalshift stickers to you! On to the Society!
Ethan Georgi
Matt Buker
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Michael Riscica
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski 
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
And all past and anonymous contributors for helping make this show happen!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ latest release, Habitat, wherever cool music resides. And a little birdy tells me Jason’s recording some new music. More when I know…