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The Pedalshift Project 339: PDX-SF2x - Takeaways

The Pedalshift Project 339: PDX-SF2x – Takeaways

Weeks after the conclusion of my unusually successful adventure combining cycling and transit, what are my big takeaways? On this edition, the benefit of hindsight helps to put the trip into perspective!

The Pedalshift Project 339: PDX-SF2x - Takeaways

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 339: PDX-SF2x – Takeaways.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – Takeaways

Day 1’s takeaway – it’s never as bad as you think it is (unless, of course it is)
Disappointed in the bike work but it could easily be my mistake too
The rack bolt shearing off was absolutely saved by work they did too
Not sure if the lost gear inches are worth throwing out a perfectly good cassette. Will have plenty of time to mull it over
Day 2’s takeaway – always be ready for bus racks that are broken or missing
It turned out fine, but it’s a great reminder that reliance on transit puts you at the whims of all sorts of elements beyond the schedule!
Day 3’s takeaway – triple check for that phone (and your wallet and…)
There are 2 things I really need to make sure are on me at all times and really one
Phone can somewhat replace a wallet, wallet can get you a new phone
ID for travel may be most important of all
Phone does so much for so many of us – entertainment, communications, directions
Charger may be as important too
First time I may buy into the no-electronics argument. Overreliance?
Day 4’s takeaway – touring is about people more than biking
The longish bus ride down the coast exposed me to the mini community of the driver and locals that rely on the service
So many of us have multiple options to move, so it’s great to have the perspective of those that don’t and a great driver that facilitates it
Transit does more than move people, and that’s why we shouldn’t demand it drive a profit
Day 5’s takeaways – It’s definitely Newark and connecting systems are magic
It’s Newark, it just is
Reflecting on MJ’s comment about how all of the chances of failure balanced with how the busses from Brookings to Fortuna just… worked!
One of the two or three transit flips that were critical to this not ending with a thud
Day 6’s takeaways – zip ties are non-negotable brings and I’m glad I pushed myself
Zip ties saved the trip and I’m not sure what my options were without them
Day 6 was pretty much my limit but an earlier start may have made it easier, even though it wasn’t possible with the bus schedule
(Another critical bus!)
Day 7’s takeaway – CA gets hot people!
There wasn’t a chance in hell I could have cycled in that
More power to people that do, but I’m actively choosing against rides with any possibilith of that heat and I know that really limits things
Final days takeaways – it was a quick stay in SF but the Golden Gate Bridge is a stellar finish line

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 338: PDX-SF2x - The Final Days

The Pedalshift Project 338: PDX-SF2x – The Final Days

Closing out the final days of the trip, we have another multipart fast forward through some seriously hot towns to get to Samuel P. Taylor campground. After that it’s as much about reflecting on how the ride went as I prepare for crossing the Golden Gate Bridge – still maybe the best finish line in bike travel! How’d the bike do, and will it get back in the bag ok for the return trip home?

The Pedalshift Project 338: PDX-SF2x - The Final Days

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 338: PDX-SF2x – The Final Days.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – The Final Days

Quick catchup on the tour plans

Every day has some biking and bussing
Connections are… tight in parts
Fully loaded, but on the light side
Got my bike serviced ahead of departure. We’ll get into that.
Listen to episode 330 for more!


Miles bussed 184
Miles biked 31
Number of energy bars I saw consumed at camp 8000
Golden Gates crossed 1
Approximate number of hours of deep conversation with MJ 27
Zip ties still on my bike as this episode drops 4
Flats 0
Next week… October’s best of and the week after, some interesting takeaways from this adventure!

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 337: PDX-SF2x - Day 6, Part 2

The Pedalshift Project 337: PDX-SF2x – Day 6, Part 2

Day 6 concludes, one way or the other… from the base of Leggett Hill with rapidly dwindling sunlight, I have the biggest hill on the route and then the dumbest hill on the route right after. Would the zip tied rack hold? Would the heat get the better of me, or would the cool Pacific air power me through the up and down terrain to Fort Bragg?

The Pedalshift Project 337: PDX-SF2x - Day 6, Part 2

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 337: PDX-SF2x – Day 6, Part 2.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – Day 6, Part 2

Quick catchup on the tour plans

Every day has some biking and bussing
Connections are… tight in parts
Fully loaded, but on the light side
Got my bike serviced ahead of departure. We’ll get into that.
Listen to episode 330 for more!


Miles biked in part 2 – 44
Zip ties that were the MVPs of this trip 4
Red Bulls that would quibble with that award 2
Number of restaurants open after 9pm in Fort Bragg on a Friday night 1
Advils that would quibble with the Red Bulls and Zip Ties for that MVP award 2
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 336: PDX-SF2x - Day 6, Part 1

The Pedalshift Project 336: PDX-SF2x – Day 6, Part 1

Day 6 was the big one… a never-before-taken bus fast forward that serves as a critical push to the biggest climbs of the Pacific Coast route. Does the bus exist? Will I be in the right spot? And what’s the weird shimmy I’m feeling in the rear rack?

The Pedalshift Project 336: PDX-SF2x - Day 6, Part 1

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 336: PDX-SF2x – Day 6, Part 1.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – Day 6, Part 1

Quick catchup on the tour plans

Every day has some biking and bussing
Connections are… tight in parts
Fully loaded, but on the light side
Got my bike serviced ahead of departure. We’ll get into that.
Listen to episode 330 for more!


Miles bussed – 25
Miles biked in part 1 – 21
Zip ties used to stabilize the rear rack 4
Red Bulls purchased at the Peg House 2
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 335: PDX-SF2x - Day 5

The Pedalshift Project 335: PDX-SF2x – Day 5

Day 5 features critical bus connections using three transit services to whisk me through gorgeous terrain, delivering me a reasonably short ride through glorious redwoods along the Avenue of the Giants for a stay at my favorite hiker/biker campsite on the planet. The bus systems are designed to connect, but will they do that on a critical day of transit reliance to get me to my campsite amongst some of the world’s most famous trees?

The Pedalshift Project 335: PDX-SF2x - Day 5

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 335: PDX-SF2x – Day 5.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – Day 5

Quick catchup on the tour plans

Every day has some biking and bussing
Connections are… tight in parts
Fully loaded, but on the light side
Got my bike serviced ahead of departure. We’ll get into that.
Listen to episode 330 for more!


Miles bussed 129
Miles biked 29
Transit systems used 3
Attempts to convince me Newark, DE is ponounced the same as the similarly spelled city in NJ 1
Percent correct that my guy Daniel – who said he lived in Newark – was 0
Beers at Eel River Brewing 1
Phones left in the bathroom and then recovered off mic at Eel River Brewing 1
Stops along Avenue of the Giants 8+
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 334: PDX-SF2x - Day 4

The Pedalshift Project 334: PDX-SF2x – Day 4

A solid night’s sleep and the lost phone drama fully behind me, it was time for a short but fun day riding the Seven Devils. But that pesky missing climbing gear… would I be pushing more than riding before testing the bus drama that has been a companion every day of this tour?

The Pedalshift Project 334: PDX-SF2x - Day 4

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 334: PDX-SF2x – Day 4.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – Day 4

Quick catchup on the tour plans

Every day has some biking and bussing
Connections are… tight in parts
Fully loaded, but on the light side
Got my bike serviced ahead of departure. We’ll get into that.
Listen to episode 330 for more!


Miles biked 23.2 miles
Devils deviled 7
Miles bussed 88 miles
inches of subway sandwiches consumed 6
Chocolate martinis 2
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 333: PDX-SF2x - Day 3

The Pedalshift Project 333: PDX-SF2x – Day 3

I always say the 3rd day of a tour is when things really click, and this tour was no different. Leaving beautiful Newport for tranquil Yachats promised a great start for a classic third day of riding. But would bus drama hit me for the third day in a row, but with more of a vengeance?

The Pedalshift Project 333: PDX-SF2x - Day 3

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 333: PDX-SF2x – Day 3.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – Day 3

Quick catchup on the tour plans

Every day has some biking and bussing
Connections are… tight in parts
Fully loaded, but on the light side
Got my bike serviced ahead of departure. We’ll get into that.
Listen to episode 330 for more!


Bus miles  71 (24+47)
Bike miles  36 (4+26+6)
Phones lost  1
Meters futilely run after departing bus with said phone 50
Cost differential for hotel upgrade 130
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 332: PDX-SF2x - Day 2

The Pedalshift Project 332: PDX-SF2x – Day 2

Day 2 begins with a moist tent from the misty influences of the Pacific Ocean just a few hundred meters away. With more cycling than bus riding, plus old hangs like Pacific City and Lincoln City, the day promises an easy scale up to more miles. But what if the critical bus doesn’t have a bike rack like it normally does… again?

The Pedalshift Project 332: PDX-SF2x - Day 2

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 332: PDX-SF2x – Day 2.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – Day 2

Quick catchup on the tour plans

Every day has some biking and bussing
Connections are… tight in parts
Fully loaded, but on the light side
Got my bike serviced ahead of departure. We’ll get into that.
Listen to episode 330 for more!


Bike miles 48
Bus miles 19
Consecutive number of times my bike’s been jammed inside a bus since this started 2
Beers consumed 1.5
Tents dried in the Newport air 1
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 331: PDX-SF2x - Day 1

The Pedalshift Project 331: PDX-SF2x – Day 1

After weeks of planning, the transit aided, double speed tour from Portland to San Francisco kicks off! A far-too-quick overnight in Portland puts me on the road to a bus and a night at one of the premiere campgrounds on the Oregon coast. But would modifications to my trusted touring bike be a net plus, or a net minus? Also… are we getting early signs of a cursed tour?

The Pedalshift Project 331: PDX-SF2x - Day 1

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 331: PDX-SF2x – Day 1.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x – Day 1

Quick catchup on the tour plans

Every day has some biking and bussing
Connections are… tight in parts
Fully loaded, but on the light side
Got my bike serviced ahead of departure. We’ll get into that.
Listen to episode 330 for more!


Buses taken 1
Miles bussed 75
Miles biked 18
PB&J wraps eaten 1
Beaches visited 2
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available! 

The Pedalshift Project 330: PDX-SF2x Tour Preview

The Pedalshift Project 330: PDX-SF2x Tour Preview

The wait is over, it’s time to talk about the big 2023 summer bike tour… and it’s an established route, but with a brand new twist! Normally, cycling the Oregon and California coasts between Tillamook and San Francisco takes about 16 days. What if we leveraged the fantastic (and sometimes surprising) transit opportunities and made this tour like listening to some of your favorite podcasts… at 2x speed?

The Pedalshift Project 330: PDX-SF2x Tour Preview

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 330: PDX-SF2x Tour Preview.

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

PDX-SF2x Tour Preview

The route
My classic favorite… PDX-SF via the Oregon coast
The twist
Heavy. transit. help.
I’m able to get this ride done in half the time with the help of a series of transit agencies starting in Portland and ending in Santa Rosa, CA. What normall takes 16 days is going to take me 8. Assuming it all works.
The gear
We’re going fully loaded
Going to try to minimize the weight within that load
Going to fly the big bike, so that means a measurable portion of a pannier will hold my Dogsbody Ground Effects bike bag.
Flying back and forth on Alaska Airlines, which means the bike is free to fly (I’m MVP and get two free checked bags)
Big duffel handles the rest of the gear and will be critical for the transit fast forwards
I have to figure out when the last time I had the Safari out west… it’s been more than a few years, so this is exciting.
The weather
Likely a bit of a chill in the air, except for one notable portion
Rain is possible, but reasonably unikely this time of year
The basics on schedule
Fly into Portland on a Saturday night
Bus out to Tillamook Sunday late AM
Bike and camp at Cape Lookout SP
Combination of bike and bus
to Newport day 2
to North Bend day 3
to Brookings day 4
to Avenue of the Giants day 5
to Fort Bragg day 6
to Samuel P Taylor SP day 7
All bike to SF day 8
Transit agencies – 8 different ones!
Contiguous opportunities all the way to Benbow, CA and then you need to bike
Technically only about 66 miles of this route is completely uncovered by transit – and it’s up and over Leggett Hill
The timing of this is critical because many agencies don’t run on some or all of the weekend… to avoid a forced zero, this has to go as is.
The compromises
Some stellar parts of OR coast
South Crescent City Hills + Elk Prairie CG
Major chunk of Mendocino coast
What I still get
Much of the best of OR coast
Favorite 2 campsites in OR
Brewers on the Bay
Seven Devils
Harris Beach – maybe 3rd fave campsite?
Eel River Brewing
FF past Garberville
Hotel in Fort Bragg – North Coast Brewing
Samuel P Taylor
Golden Gate Bridge
So much fun, looking forward to sharing this with you!
Programming reminder – next week we’re slotting in the August best of a few days early
The following week… we’ll start the tour journal!

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at pedalshift.net/society.

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new solo album available NOW. Go listen to COMMON TONGUES wherever cool music is available!