Pedalshift Society

Support the show and get a shoutout in the closing credits… become a member of the Pedalshift Society! Not only will you be helping out with the costs of the show, you’ll be mentioned in the closing credits along with Jason Kent, which means after he wins his Juno you can say “hey, I opened for Jason Kent on a podcast once… sort of!”

The Pedalshift Society isn’t a tip jar or a hard sell. It’s just another way to say, “I like what you’re doing and I’d like to see more.” Everyone is a friend of the show no matter what! All transactions are handled by PayPal and you can use whatever payment method you’d prefer and they take. This will be recurring, monthly support but you can cancel anytime with a click or two.

Monthly support

$1/month lends a hand with the website hosting. It’s the hub of everything, so this is a huge boost.

$2/month helps to defray the costs of the podcast itself. From mics to audio hosting costs, this adds up. You. Rock.

$5/month means I can start thinking bigger, like Pedalshift apps and tour guides of cool places like the Pacific Coast and the C&O.

Pedalshift Society

Pedalshift Society

Pedalshift Society

Annual support

Not into the month-to-month thing? Here are annual Pedalshift Society options! These charge once every year. 

Pedalshift Society

Pedalshift Society

Pedalshift Society

One-shot support

I get it. Commitment. Here’s some one-shot options, but you can also roll your own at

I need to cancel

Are you a Pedalshift Society member but you need to gracefully peace out? You rock… thank you for your support… here’s the eject button: