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Author: Tim Mooney

The Pedalshift Project 211: A Brompton Urban Stealth Overnight

The Pedalshift Project 211: A Brompton Urban Stealth Overnight

With my proper trail bike in the shop but a real need to get out for an overnight, I turned to a C&O newbie… my trusty 12″ wheeled, very orange Brompton as my chariot to an urban(ish) stealth camping overnight. Would the trail chew up the Brompton? Would my orange gear prove too, well, orange for stealth camping? If you can’t get your adventure by the liter these days, may as well do it in sips…

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The Pedalshift Project 208: Western C&O Loop, Day 1

The Pedalshift Project 208: Western C&O Loop, Day 1

Everyone’s universe has shrunk a lot since the beginning of the pandemic, and nowhere has it hit home more than bicycle touring. I’m fortunate enough to have one of the country’s crown jewel routes right around where I live. The first trip this year looped the eastern third near DC. This time, I roll out into the wilderness of the western third, looking for adventure and solitude. On Day 1, I picked up a freshly repaired bike in Hancock and rolled off. But would the bike behave and more importantly, would my body betray me after just a day on the trail?

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The Pedalshift Project 207: June 2020 Bicycle Touring Draft

The Pedalshift Project 207: June 2020 Bicycle Touring Draft

Six months since the defeat of Mysterious James in the inaugural Pedalshift Bicycle Tour Draft, we sweeten the pot with 3 new contestants from a certain show podcasting from The Land of Sunshine and Bunnies™ to vie for my title belt! I explain the rules at the top, and we kind of make it up as we go along, but the essence is each of us chooses pieces of gear or other elements of a bike tour that the other person now cannot choose, and then you get to choose who wins.
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The Pedalshift Project 206: The Erie Canal Trail Revisited - Part 3

The Pedalshift Project 206: The Erie Canal Trail Revisited – Part 3

Revisiting my never-released 2015 bike tour journal of the Erie Canal Trail through western and central NY with some perspective from 2020. In part three we wrap up the tour with some of the best riding of the entire trip, and a fantastically comical ending because I taunted the bike touring gods. Read more