Looking ahead to the spring and some new-to-me routes that can check some 2022 goal boxes! This episode, we close out the series to highlight some shorter tour options along with some honorable mentions. Will one of these be the one? Read more
Looking ahead to the spring and some new-to-me routes that can check some 2022 goal boxes! This episode, we take a look at filling in an important part of a segment-by-segment ride across country between Dayton, OH and St. Louis, MO. Will this be the one? Read more
Looking ahead to the spring and some new-to-me routes that can check some 2022 goal boxes! This episode, we take a look at the Texas Hill Country loop that begins and ends in Austin. Will this be the one? Read more
With a bunch of snow and ice on the ground where I’m at, it’s a good time to focus on things that will help bike tours coming after the thaw. On this episode, an update on my winter fitness goals, what I’m doing to keep it going plus some ideas on winter bike maintenance. Read more
The beginning of a new year is often filled with resolutions that later end up littering later months, abandoned and forgotten. That’s why we’re calling them goals instead! On this episode, a handful of bike touring goals I’d like to reach by the end of the year… Read more
The 2021 annual holiday annual award show spectacular features awards for the best of The Pedalshift Project in 2021. Who will win the Orange Pedal™ for best tour, best cycling location, and much more? Happy new year and see you in 2022! Read more
Happy holidays! I’ve ridden an ok amount this year, but to be honest, as the year was winding down I realized there were two spots I always hit that I haven’t been to yet this year. So I need to play a little clean up and get wheels down on these two gems! In part 2, I revisit one of my favorite campsites… maybe one of my single favorite places I can get to from home, by bike!
As we wind down 2021, we went LIVE BABY LIVE once again with your questions all about bike touring (and a few that weren’t) plus I revealed most of my first tour of 2022. At least I know kind of where I’m going, like, regionally… and stuff? This was originally streamed December 10, 2021 before an audience of sophisticated and tasteful people.