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Belle Starr

The Pedalshift Project 076: Bicycle touring’s for the dogs plus the Katy Trail by bike

Two great tour journals in one pod! First, I tell the tale of my C&O ride with Belle Starr and then I read a great submission from a listener about her adventures on the Katy Trail. Plus, you never know when emergency fixes can come in handy…

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 076: Bicycle touring’s for the dogs plus the Katy Trail by bike (mp3)

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Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.


The Big Sur bridge is OUT. Rumors of bike crossings clearly not relevant 😉 UPDATE: set to reopen in September!

Newsletter subscribers… my dog’s name is Belle STARR with two R’s. Autocorrect is the bane of my existence and clearly I am simultaneously a poor editor and a bad dog daddy.

Alan Leopold got his day saved by one of the emergency fixes on ep 046!

Hi Tim, I started listening to your podcast a couple weeks ago. Today i was riding our local trail, 400 Trail, and listening to podcast 046 when my rear derailleur broke just as I was listening to your advice. I carry tools and within 15 minutes I was heading back to my truck with a fixed gear bike. I would say that is one of the craziest coincidences I’ve ever ran into. I love your podcast and I’m binge listening to get caught up. Keep up the good work!!
emergency fixes from Pedalshift

The Journal: C&O plus the Katy Trail by bike

  • Trail conditions
  • Much harder with extra weight!
  • Paw Paw Tunnel update
  • Bypass starting in June – Check out Preston Paige’s video as a how to. I ran into him minutes before he recorded this. You can catch a brief glimpse of me and Belle Starr sitting at a distant bench at about 14:10!
  • Hotel night
  • Less daily mileage – normally do 60 loaded, but super loaded I’d do the whole trail in 4-5 days rather than 3. Much more fun that way.
  • Don’t mess with dog’s food too much. She didn’t like the freeze dried stuff on the trail, even though she was fine with it at home.
  • Safety first always. I tested and retested this setup a lot. There were tradeoffs for her comfort and her desire to watch me the whole time (seriously… she wouldn’t ride in a trailer because of that!)
  • Definitely will ride with her again on multiway trips, but will absolutely dial back my riding expectations!
Outside Paw Paw Tunnel
About to go into Paw Paw Tunnel
Smiling pretty in her bag
Kicking off at Mile 0, Cumberland
Belle Starr loves the tent
Water break selfie with Belle Starr
One of the dams gets Belle’s attention
Breakfast in Hancock
Belle Starr
Belle Starr says, no worries, I got this flat…
Potomac River over the flood wall, kissing the trail
Break time on the trail

Katy Trail Tour Journal

katy trail bicycle tour

More photos from Ann’s tour!

Good Morning. I stumbled upon your podcast about 9 months ago and have been catching up on past episodes. I began listening to episode 62 during this mornings 20 minute commute to work.Thought I’d shoot you a quick note to tell you about my recent tour since it relates to two topics discussed on this episode.

I just finished a semi-self supported tour with my dog on the Katy Trail. I’m a Special Education Teacher and my dog, Harley Sue, is a certified service dog. This was our Spring Break adventure. (March 18-26). Harley is a border collie mix, so she weighs a bit more than your pugs. Therefore, my best option for taking her on bike tours is using a bike trailer. We did 60 miles on the Katy in July using a Schwinn children’s bike trailer with the children’s harnesses removed, but the floor is fabric and slanted, giving me concerns about it’s comfort on a a long distance tour. Therefore, I purchased an Aosom Elite Pet Bike trailer on Amazon. I put a nice padded bed in the the trailer and she seemed really comfortable.

The Katy Trail is crushed limestone. It’s a great trail and is typically very well maintained. I live about two hours from the trail so I’ve experienced it in all weather conditions. Spring is one of the tougher times to bike the trail because the winter thaw and spring rains tend to keep it a bit mushy. During the summer the trail dries out enough that it is almost like riding on pavement.

Harley Sue and I started our adventure in Clinton, Mo and finished our first day of biking in Sedalia. (36 miles). I had a friend drop us off in Clinton. She then took our stuff to Sedalia where a few more friends joined her to bike out to meet me in Green Ridge. I typically bike 5 or 6 miles and then let Harley Sue out to run for a mile or so. I typically use a bungee leash to attach Harley’s harness to my seat post. When we were away from roads, and by ourselves on the trail, I let her run beside me off leash. (against the rules)

The beginning section of the Katy Trial is mostly surrounded by grasslands and prairie. The first 9.1 miles are close to a highway before heading into the trees for another 7.5 miles. The recent rains made the trail soft, and crosswinds kept my average speed around 8 mph. (Without carrying all of my own stuff) The marker for the highest elevation on the trail can be found between Windsor and Green Ridge. I did encounter some loose dogs at Windsor. They chased us from the moment we got to town until we arrived at the trail-head and I got off of my bike. Thankfully, Harley was in the trailer during this chase.

The trailheads on The Katy Trail are really nice. They have great descriptions of the history of the area and give a preview of trail highlights that riders should look for as they bike. They have a bench and a roof that provides a bit of protection during mild rain. From November to mid April all of the water is shut off along the trail and many of the bathrooms are closed. They do put portable toilets at most of the trailheads. Also, most restaurants are closed on Monday’s and during the winter season many are only open on Thurs, Friday, Saturday.

The remainder of our tour went well. We battled a headwind ranging from 16 to 27 mph for the first 6 days. Temperatures on our trip ranged from 41 degrees to 87 degrees. We managed to outrun a thunderstorm arriving to the Tebbets Shelter (only one on the trail) moments before the down pour and hail started. I was extremely excited to find that the hostel was stocked with coffee and a coffee pot! I cannot recommend the Tebbets Shelter enough. It has 40 bunk beds, showers, bathrooms, a bicycle repair shop, a kitchen stocked with peanut butter, jelly, bread,coffee, coffee pot, cups, microwave, hot plate, toaster oven, grills, cooking, and eating utensils. All of this for a $6 donation.

I learned that it takes a lot of energy to haul 115lbs on a bike. Way more than I anticipated. Carrying and eating enough food was a challenge. We stayed mostly in hotels or bed and breakfasts so I didn’t carry a tent. But I did carry 4-6 litters of water each day, food for both of us, and clothes for every weather. I even ran out of water on my 42 mile day in 87 degree heat. Thankfully, Cooper’s Landing (campground, small store in Easley) was open so I could purchase water and snacks for my remaining 9 miles.

Harley Sue was a trooper through the whole adventure. However, on day 6 she just seemed off. She didn’t really want to get out of the trailer and run. Thankfully, a friend was meeting me at the trail-head 16 miles away. We battled a 27 mph headwind for 3.5 hours. I’d eaten most of the food I was carrying (1/2 banana left) and arrived at the trail-head with blurry vision, and dizzy. Harley was so excited to see my truck that she ran straight to it and refused to get out for the rest of the day. My friend got me something to eat and took me to a trail-head farther East so that I could finish that days remaining 18 miles with the wind. Harley was feeling better by the next morning and biked with me for all but 6 miles. I spent two days exploring in St. Charles, so Harley could rest and I avoided biking during a day of thunderstorms. We finished the last 12 miles to Machens (end of the trail) on Sunday morning and then made the 4.5 hour trip back to Kansas by car. We biked 241 miles and spent 42 hours on the trail.

It was a memorable experience, but I don’t think I’ll bring Harley on another LONG bike ride. She’s getting up in age (9) and I think the long days on the bike are just a bit too much for her. While she loves going places and being with me; I think she just couldn’t relax enough to get good sleep while I was biking. I took a pop-up kennel with me so she could sleep better at night, but she continues to be tired. She also didn’t want to eat her dog food, but was willing to eat some of my food. I was able to get her eggs at some of the hotels.

Live life to the fullest and enjoy the ride!

Ann Wilhelm and Harley Sue
Lawrence, KS
cyclingthroughlife.com (work in progress)

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. Five bucks, two bucks or even 1 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, and you can do it for a bit and cancel anytime. One-shot support is welcome if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. And society members please go to pedalshift.net/stickers and let me know where to send some Pedalshift stickers to you! On to the Society!
Ethan Georgi
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Michael Riscica
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxy Arning
Nathan Poulton
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!

The Pedalshift Project 073: Yoga for bike touring

How do I class up this podcast? Easy… ask my better half to come on the show and chat up how great yoga is for bike touring! On this episode of the pod, we discuss yoga for bike tourists with Kimberly Wilson, founder and owner of Tranquil Space yoga studios in Washington, DC. Plus connections and more!

Hey it’s the direct download link for The Pedalshift Project 073: Yoga for bike touringThe Pedalshift Project 073: Yoga for bike touring (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshiftproject@gmail.com or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

The Interview: Kimberly Wilson on yoga for bike touring

Kimberly Wilson is the founder of Tranquil Space yoga studios—named among the top 25 in the world by Travel + Leisure, designer of  TranquiliT lifestyle line, director of Tranquil Space Foundation, and author of five books {Hip Tranquil ChickTranquilistaTranquilologie,Tranquility du Jour Anthology52 Weeks of Tranquility Journal}.

Learn more at kimberlywilson.com and listen to her podcast, Tranquility du Jour wherever cool podcasts are podded.

Kimberly Wilson yoga for bike touring

Yoga resources

Pedal Stretch Breathe by Kelli Refer is broader than yoga for bike touring, but it’s the best yoga and bikes zine out there!

A short sun salutation practice by Kimberly herself:

sun salutations direct download (mp3)

Something we didn’t talk about but is super awesome for bike tourists is understanding the six movements of one’s spine. Check out this video Kimberly did on that:

And, finally… a nice yoga practice lead by Kimberly from my WV cabin! (I don’t think I’ve ever shown it on the site before?)


Turns out we tied!

42-42-16 tie for Pedalshift and Sprocket

Bike oasis

Brock recommends this awesome GoFundMe to support the revamp of Newton Bike Shop’s bike touring hostel The Oasis in the Grass Desert:


Cool pods and pics

Jeremy of Critical Transit shared a bunch of images and podcasts from his tour of New England… check them out! He’s also a big Brompton tourer, with plans to repeat that ride with his “little clown bike” as I like to call them!

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. Five bucks, two bucks or even 1 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, and you can do it for a bit and cancel anytime. One-shot support is welcome if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. And society members please go to pedalshift.net/stickers and let me know where to send some Pedalshift stickers to you! On to the Society!

Ethan Georgi
Matt Buker
Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Josiah Matthews
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Michael Riscica
Seth Krieger
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Noah Schroer
Harry Telgadas
John Sikorski
Richard Killian
Chris Barron
Scott Taylor
Brian Hren
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Paul Mulvey
Stuart Buchan
Todd Stutz
Mr. T
Roxanna Arning
And all anonymous and past contributors for helping make this show happen!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ latest release, Habitat, wherever cool music resides. And a little birdy tells me Jason’s recording some new music. More when I know…


The Pedalshift Project 059: Bike touring tributes

On this episode we chat with Instagrammer extraordinaire and cross-country bike touring vet, Patience — aka @biker_girl_pay — on overcoming obstacles and turning loss into something better. Bike touring tributes, plus connections and more!

pedalshift-059-bike-touring-as-a-tribute-to-othersHey it’s the direct download link: The Pedalshift Project 059: Bike touring tributes (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.


This episode is dedicated to Shelli Snyder. Many of you have heard she was on a tour from Cleveland to Seattle and was struck from behind by a person driving a vehicle in Montana. She’s in very bad shape, but we’re hearing good news about her recovery. Pedalshift Society members… your monthly contributions are all going to her recovery fund at GoFundMe. If you’re listening to this and would like to help more, check out the GoFundMe page and consider supporting the fund for her recovery.
The story hits close to home in particular because Patience, as you’ll hear, met Shelly on her ride. I’m really happy to be able to share her experience with you so we know a little more about Shelli outside of what happened in Montana.

Latest update since recording and as the show goes live: Shelli has been transferred home to Cleveland’s MetroHealth. She’s in good hands, but obviously has a long road to recovery.

The Interview: Bike touring tributes with Patience


Patience, or “Pay” AKA @biker_girl_pay on Instagram and her adventures crossing America — from Seattle to Boston — by bicycle.

  • Your adventure had two main driving forces… a bike touring tribute to a friend you lost last year and doing something big between graduation and “the real world.” What about biking from Seattle to Boston checked those boxes?
  • How did the people in your life react to your trip?
  • Your photos in Instagram were  stunning and helped tell your story so well… what were you using to take the pictures and was there anything you’d recommend to bike tourers on how to up their Instagram game?
  • One of the things that pulled me into your ride was it had some classic bike touring drama… some pretty low parts revealing humanity’s awfulness and high points showing off real generosity. What’s stuck with you more?
  • You had someone you were riding with take your wallet… how does that color trust of fellow riders in the future?
  • Let’s talk about your gear. First of all I saw lots of orange so Pedalshift stamp of approval. What were you riding and what guided your bike and gear choices?
    What one thing did you think you’d use a lot, but ended up sending back or otherwise regretting to bring?
  • What was the thing you think most people don’t take on tour, but you wouldn’t leave home without?
  • People often have trouble adjusting to the end of tours… you also are transitioning from school to work…. and you have a connection to the tragedy of Shelli Snyder from Cleveland who was struck from behind by a person in a vehicle in Montana which has really impacted a lot of us. Any one of these things is tough… how has this triple whammy return to “the real world” gone?
  • Any future tours on the horizon?


Merit Badge?

PS member and FOTS Ethan Georgi
Just listened to ep 58 with Riscica talking about being homeless while bike touring & it reminded me. Recently on tour someone asked me if I was homeless. Is there a merit badge for that?

Congrats, you win the first Pedalshift Merit Badge! This is the highly coveted, “Dude, really?” badge for those SMH questions you get on tour.

Collect all 44 badges[footnote]this is arbitrary[/footnote] by making one up and emailing pedalshift@pedalshift.net.

Rabbit hole.

FOTS Todd Tillinger 

More on the rolling resistance of tires. This is for touring and e-bikes, but they test other categories as well.


It’s a nerd’s delight… graphs and data on rolling resistance plotted   against inflation PSI, puncture resistance and more. My head hurts… in a good way!

The Marathon Supremes I roll on get 5/5… I also got some good data-based advice on what pressure is best to roll on. It also confirmed that the puncture resistance is great on the tread but below average on the sides… which we know 😉

Strava + Google Streetview followup

Chatted about Strava heat maps in Ep 056… here’s what PS Society member Cameron Lein on what he does:

What I used to do is look at google maps and try to piece my route together by looking at the overall map and zooming into streetview to see if it is a safe/do-able route. This took some time if I was say headed from western Oregon to eastern Oregon. Now I start by looking at the Strava map and see what route most people are taking. If I look at a section of road and there isn’t any bike traffic then there is usually a good reason for that. 

Glacier Bandits on the GAP

Shares a pic from outside The Crabby Pig in Cumberland…


We can haz evin moar 5 star reviews!!!

Greg Braith
Runner from Evanston

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. A buck, two bucks or even 5 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, plus the  Pedalshift Society allows me to do cool new things I’ll be rolling out in future shows. AND brand new by popular request… one-shot annual support and “choose your own adventure” one shot support if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society. On to the Society!

  • Ethan Georgi
  • Matt Buker
  • Kimberly Wilson
  • Caleb Jenkinson
  • Cameron Lien
  • Andrew MacGregor
  • Michael Hart
  • Johnny K
  • Josiah Matthews
  • Keith Nagel
  • Brock Dittus
  • David Kolb
  • Michael Riscica
  • Seth Krieger
  • Marco Lo
  • Terrance Manson

Thank you for supporting the show!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ album, Habitat, wherever cool music resides.  I heard Jason’s new album in January and it is AWESOME. More info when that drops!

Pedalshift 057 Bike touring the Oregon coast

The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with us

I may have only been bike touring the Oregon coast last week, but there’s a lot to say about it! On this episode we also cross over with The Sprocket Podcast 315 to celebrate our partners and how they put up with our antics on and off the bike. Plus… a rant in part 2!

Part 1

Part 2

The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with usHey it’s the direct download links: The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with us (Part 1) (mp3)

The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with us (Part 2) (mp3)

Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshift@pedalshift.net or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.

Part 1

The Interview

Saluting our partners: From The Sprocket Podcast, Adele + Brock and Anna + Aaron and my better half, Kimberly.

Part 2

The Journal: Bike touring the Oregon Coast

  • Tillamook County Transportation: The Wave
  • Pacific City and Webb County campground – H/B rate is $19 but it’s all about location
  • Maybe breaking up with Pelican?
  • Relentlessly Oregon dinner
  • Day 2 ride to Beverley Beach SP
  • Beautiful stretch – nice climb and descent to Lincoln City
  • Lincoln City is great for pancakes but not for riding
  • Beautiful vistas and beach access
  • Tsunamis and Earthquakes – The Really Big One (The New Yorker, July 2015)
  • Beverley Beach campground redeemed: great amenities!
  • Shoutout to Tim from Cinci
  • Short day to South Beach SP begins with ride to Yaquina Head lighthouse
  • Newport
  • South Beach SP – a gem
  • Rogue Brewer’s On the Bay
  • An early wake up
  • Lincoln County bus to Albany and train to PDX

A nearly perfect trip: simple, fun and easy. Didn’t need to push and make miles… Got to linger and savor the central coast. Feeling like a full coast trip with transit aided FF return is in the cards next time.

Thanks to everyone for joining for Pedalshift AM – it was a fun experiment to do some live shots on tour. May do some more with that in the future… Go check them out on Facebook!

Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol. 7: Oregon Coast will be available soon in Pedalshift Plus! If you got to listen along with the quasi-live feed and want to hear any previous volumes, check them out in the Pedalshift Plus archives – it all goes to supporting the show!

The Pedalshift Project 057: Bike touring the Oregon coast and saluting our partners for putting up with us

Pics from the trip

The Rant

Seriously, WTF people. Thank you Kevin MacLeod for the Pedalshift rant theme. Again. [footnote]For the curious and, perhaps more importantly, to fully comply with my Creative Commons obligations… the title is Adventure Meme and it’s licensed under CC Attribution 3.0.[/footnote]

Pedalshift Society

A big thank you to all of the monthly supporters of the show! If you like what you hear, you can help me keep the show listener-supported while expanding the offerings. A buck, two bucks or even 5 helps with the costs of hosting the podcast and the website, plus the  Pedalshift Society allows me to do cool new things I’ll be rolling out in future shows. Check it out and join at pedalshift.net/society.

If you’re interested in one-shot support, consider something over at Pedalshift Plus and get something cool in return! If the Oregon coast talk is interesting, consider Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol. 1 my epic Pacific Coast tour with multiple daily podcasts chronicling my ride in 2014. You can get that at Pedalshift Plus. On to the Society!

  • Ethan Georgi
  • Matt Buker
  • Kimberly Wilson
  • Caleb Jenkinson
  • Cameron Lien
  • Andrew MacGregor
  • Michael Hart
  • Johnny K
  • Josiah Matthews
  • Keith Nagel
  • Brock Dittus
  • David Kolb

Thank you for supporting the show!


The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ album, Habitat, wherever cool music resides.  I heard Jason’s new album in January and it is AWESOME. More info when that drops!