Part four of the DC to Cincinnati ride, covering the southern half of the Ohio to Erie Trail from Columbus to Cincinnati. Crossing my 700th mile of the ride, do I have enough left in the tank to make it to the end of the OTET?
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Originally podcast June 11, 2015. This month’s best-of features a fun interview with Peter Rice, the author of Spandex Optional Bicycle Touring. We cover how to bicycle tour without breaking the bank, eating, different types of people who tackle bike touring, “The System” (you’ll have to read or listen for that) and much more. Read more
Originally podcast December 22, 2014. In the summer of 2014, I took 6 weeks to ride the Pacific coast from Victoria, BC to the US-Mexico border. I recorded a 2-5 minute audio entry every day for the Tour Journals podcast to share the more detailed aspects of the ride, but always intended to edit and condense it into a more manageable length to share my Pacific Coast bike tour here.