We kick off 2015 with updates on upcoming tours, stories of past tours (complete with yetis from Cape Cod) and experimenting with dehydration… no not the bad kind, the good kind!
hey it’s the direct download link for episode 011 (mp3)
The January email newsletter went out – thanks to everyone who’s signed up! Reach out to the show via email, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Yes, even Instagram.
Sorry for the jingles and jangles you might hear in the background… it was a full on zoo within the Pedalshift recording studio since we were rocking temps in the low teens in DC at the time of the recording. For the record, it was Jackson the Cat who disrupted things the most. Louis the Pug will make an appearance in episode 012 in two weeks for the bike touring story, Louis the Pug Bike Touring Experiment #1 of 1.
The Journal
Lake Ontario circumnavigation update
Crazy Guy on a Bike featured journal
The Adventures of the Pedaling Yeti – Jesse Brynildsen (@the_dready_yeti on Instagram)
- Met Jesse on the Border to Border ride… cool guy, lots of interesting perspectives on touring. He put together one hell of a ride last year.
- Trans America to Pacific Coast… Yorktown, VA to San Diego, CA
- Never saw the Pacific til this tour
- Carpenter by trade
- Saved up for the ride for about a year before leaving a year to the day he came up with it
- Rocked orange Ortlieb panniers (an excellent choice… mine too)
- Pack list is really excellent… check it out. (my favorites: flask and cigar cutter)
The Lab

- Apples – super easy. 1/4″ thick (5-6 mm for metric types). Wouldn’t bother treating the apples as some recipes suggest… They barely brown.
- Clementines – amazing. Almost like candy, with the added bn fit of some fiber. 1/4″ thick (5-6 mm for metric types)
- Kale chips – olive oil, Montreal steak seasoning, nutritional yeast. Insanely good.
- Jerky! Much better than my toaster oven variety because it uses ground meat. Because it also includes jerky cure the end product keeps better.
- Future tests
- Fruit leather
- Grapes to raisins
- Avocado?
Ultralight campers for bike touring? – Pedalshift on Facebook
Instagram follower Jim Giddens loves the podcast!
Instagram follower Ethan Georgi liked the Border to Border story and my enthusiasm – thank you!
TonyS on pedalshit.net: Tim — love your website and podcasts! Episode 008 — The Sweater — was awesome, and is a fantastic testament to the willingness of bicyclists to come to each other’s aide whenever they can.
Friend of the show Johhny K – future tour and nice words for Border to Border from episode 010
The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ new release, Habitat, wherever cool music resides: