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The Pedalshift Project 167: DC to Cincinnati – Ohio to Erie Trail North

Part three of the DC to Cincinnati ride, covering the northern half of the Ohio to Erie Trail from Cleveland to Columbus. A new trail brings new adventures crossing the entire state of Ohio. But will detours and headwinds put a snag in my plans?
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Great Allegheny Passage

The Pedalshift Project 166: DC to Cincinnati – Great Allegheny Passage

The 14th Pedalshift Tour Journal whisks you (by bike, natch) from the District of Columbia across three of America’s great trails to Cincinnati, Ohio. In part two, we follow the Great Allegheny Passage from Cumberland, MD to Pittsburgh, PA and then hit the roads again into Ohio. The rain falls and the terrain turns hilly… does Type 1 fun turn to Type 2? Read more


The Pedalshift Project 165: DC to Cincinnati – The C&O Towpath

The 14th Pedalshift Tour Journal whisks you (by bike, natch) from the District of Columbia across three of America’s great trails to Cincinnati, Ohio. In part one, we go through the first three days of riding and camping on the beloved C&O Towpath. Hot weather and trail outages are just a few of the challenges… do they get in the way?
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The Pedalshift Project 164: Bikerafting

Inflatable rafts plus touring bikes equals bikerafting! On this episode I chat with longtime friend and bike adventurer Maggie Lonergan about her recent foray into bikerafting the Colorado River near the Hoover Dam, plus more on converting from being a racer and future Scandinavian adventures.
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Group Dynamics on Bicycle Tour

The Pedalshift Project 163: Group Dynamics on Bicycle Tour (Beginner Series)

Guthrie Straw from The Sprocket Podcast joins the show to help out on the third installment of the beginner series. Steve is riding with a group on his upcoming charity ride – what are the things to think about in terms of group dynamics on bicycle tour? We cover camping, riding together, differing skill levels, eating, emergency safety nets and more. Read more

Best of Pedalshift 022: Spandex Optional Bicycle Touring

Originally podcast June 11, 2015. This month’s best-of features a fun interview with Peter Rice, the author of Spandex Optional Bicycle Touring. We cover how to bicycle tour without breaking the bank, eating, different types of people who tackle bike touring, “The System” (you’ll have to read or listen for that) and much more. Read more

The Pedalshift Project 162: Multimodal Bike Touring and Spring Tour Preview

Most bike tours don’t start and end with you riding from home – most of us need a car, bus, plane, train, or ferry to help with some of the travel. On this episode, tips on how to handle the transitions in multimodal bike touring, plus a preview of May’s DC to Cincinnati bike tour! Read more

Best of Pedalshift 010: Pacific Coast Bike Tour

Originally podcast December 22, 2014. In the summer of 2014, I took 6 weeks to ride the Pacific coast from Victoria, BC to the US-Mexico border. I recorded a 2-5 minute audio entry every day for the Tour Journals podcast to share the more detailed aspects of the ride, but always intended to edit and condense it into a more manageable length to share my Pacific Coast bike tour here.

Best of Pedalshift 010: Pacific Coast Bike Tour