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Tag: gear talk

The Pedalshift Project 204: The Erie Canal Trail Revisited – Part 1

Revisiting my never-released 2015 bike tour journal of the Erie Canal Trail through western and central NY with some perspective from 2020. In part one we set the table with some history (personal and the canal) plus kick off with the pre-canal ride entries from Batavia to Rochester, NY. Read more

Social Distancing on the C&O

The Pedalshift Project 200: Social Distancing on the C&O, Day 1

Welcome to the Bicentennial edition of the Pedalshift Project. Whether this is your 200th listening or your first, THANK YOU for being a part of this adventure. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate 200 episodes than by kicking off an extra long first part to a new tour journal. I ended up calling this Social Distancing on the C&O for all the obvious reasons.
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The Pedalshift Project #199: Preparing for a Solo Bike Tour of the C&O

The Pedalshift Project 199: Preparing for a Solo Bike Tour of the C&O

With the current global circumstances, I’m doing a different tour than I originally planned – a solo, non-contact, self-supported, socially responsibly distanced tour of the great C&O towpath. This is probably the solo bike tour that makes the most sense, and might be the most important one I’ve ever needed. In this episode, the preparation!
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The Pedalshift Project #198: Bicycle Touring Norway

The Pedalshift Project #198: Bicycle Touring Norway

Orange Pedal Award Winner™ Maggie Lonergan joins us again to tell us Maggie Lonergan joins us again to tell us her tale of bicycle touring Norway (plus a little Finland… it has trees) last summer.  Sure we mention that pesky virus, but it’s mostly touring talk, including some of the type II variety!
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Winter touring bike maintenance

Best of Pedalshift 104: Winter touring bike maintenance

You might not be riding through snow and ice, but winter is a time to take stock of your bicycle’s condition for future tours. On this episode of the pod, winter touring bike maintenance, including care after icy rides and some tips on keeping your drivetrain clean and happy during the harshest season! Originally podcast January 18, 2018.

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The Pedalshift Project 192: Bicycle Tour Route Full House

The month of MJ concludes like all good trilogies must… with a bang! No Ewoks in part three, but rather a game of Pedalshift Bicycle Tour Route Poker! Each of us chooses five bike tour routes for our “hand,” and then you get to choose who collected the best set.
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