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The Pedalshift Project 190: A Decade of Bike Touring with Mysterious James

The Pedalshift Project 190: A Decade of Bike Touring with Mysterious James

Happy New Year! January 2020 is very special because we bring you something long denied to you. More Mysterious James. We realized we’ve been doing this bike touring thing for an entire decade, so we talk about our thoughts on a decade of touring, lessons learned and thoughts on the future.
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The Pedalshift Project 187: Bicycle Touring NY and the First Tour of 2020 (Live)

The Pedalshift Project 187: Bicycle Touring NY and the First Tour of 2020 (Live)

Once again, and for the final time in 2019, we are live baby live for a Pedalshift Project! In this session, we revisit bicycle touring New York state, unveil my very first tour of 2020, and answer your questions AMA style! Originally streamed live December 7, 2019.
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The Pedalshift Project 155: Cross-Florida Bike Tour, Part 3

Day 3 was the longest ride of the trilogy… over 60 miles that captured so much of Florida’s landscape… from congested suburban Orlando to a lengthy shoulderless 60mph strip of asphalt through a rural stretch of grazing land to the Atlantic coast that beckoned in Cocoa Beach. I was running out of Florida, but still had some work to do.
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The Pedalshift Project 153: Cross-Florida Bike Tour, Part 1

Central Florida has a thousand personalities. Sure, we all know the theme parks, and the big cities of Tampa and Orlando, but there are also huge swaths of barely developed pastures, orange groves, irrigation canals and lakes to catch a cyclists’ eye while pedaling the miles away. A lot of people come to Florida to escape the chill of winter and return with stories and surprises. This tour was no different! Read more