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The Pedalshift Project 194: The Kessel Run Florida Bike Tour Part 1

The Pedalshift Project 194: The Kessel Run Florida Bike Tour Part 1

Central Florida has a thousand personalities. Sure, we all know the theme parks, and the big cities of Tampa and Orlando, but there are also huge swaths of barely developed pastures, orange groves, irrigation canals and lakes to catch a cyclists’ eye while pedaling the miles away. A lot of people come to Florida to escape the chill of winter and return with stories and surprises. Me? I went to go fly the Millennium Falcon, but that’s another story. After that? I rode across Florida. This is the story.
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Winter touring bike maintenance

Best of Pedalshift 104: Winter touring bike maintenance

You might not be riding through snow and ice, but winter is a time to take stock of your bicycle’s condition for future tours. On this episode of the pod, winter touring bike maintenance, including care after icy rides and some tips on keeping your drivetrain clean and happy during the harshest season! Originally podcast January 18, 2018.

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The Pedalshift Project 193: The Kessel Run Florida Bike Tour Preview

The Pedalshift Project 193: The Kessel Run Florida Bike Tour Preview

The first Pedalshift tour of 2020 is nearly upon us! Whether you believe in The Force or prefer a trusty blaster at your side, this tour starts with a decidedly Star Wars nerdy beginning, but cycles through a Central Florida familiar to some, but not all. Meditate with me young padewans as we mostly not talk about Star Wars stuff, and focus all on my upcoming Central Florida bike tour!
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The Pedalshift Project 192: Bicycle Tour Route Full House

The month of MJ concludes like all good trilogies must… with a bang! No Ewoks in part three, but rather a game of Pedalshift Bicycle Tour Route Poker! Each of us chooses five bike tour routes for our “hand,” and then you get to choose who collected the best set.
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The Pedalshift Project 207: June 2020 Bicycle Touring Draft

The Pedalshift Project 191: The Pedalshift 2020 Bicycle Touring Draft

The month of MJ continues with the very first Pedalshift Bicycle Tour Draft! I explain the rules at the top, and we kind of make it up as we go along, but the essence is each of us chooses pieces of gear or other elements of a bike tour that the other person now cannot choose, and then you get to choose who wins.
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The Pedalshift Project 190: A Decade of Bike Touring with Mysterious James

The Pedalshift Project 190: A Decade of Bike Touring with Mysterious James

Happy New Year! January 2020 is very special because we bring you something long denied to you. More Mysterious James. We realized we’ve been doing this bike touring thing for an entire decade, so we talk about our thoughts on a decade of touring, lessons learned and thoughts on the future.
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Best of Pedalshift 064: Keeping Hands & Feet Warm on Bike Tour

December means (for a lot of us) one thing: friggin cold hands and feet. On this best of the podcast, let’s see if we can find some ways for keeping hands and feet warm on bike tour, and maybe even your chilly commutes! Also, a listener-recommended winter tour for a warmer overall ride! Originally podcast December 8, 2016.

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