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Social Distancing on the C&O

The Pedalshift Project 200: Social Distancing on the C&O, Day 1

Welcome to the Bicentennial edition of the Pedalshift Project. Whether this is your 200th listening or your first, THANK YOU for being a part of this adventure. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate 200 episodes than by kicking off an extra long first part to a new tour journal. I ended up calling this Social Distancing on the C&O for all the obvious reasons.
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The Pedalshift Project #199: Preparing for a Solo Bike Tour of the C&O

The Pedalshift Project 199: Preparing for a Solo Bike Tour of the C&O

With the current global circumstances, I’m doing a different tour than I originally planned – a solo, non-contact, self-supported, socially responsibly distanced tour of the great C&O towpath. This is probably the solo bike tour that makes the most sense, and might be the most important one I’ve ever needed. In this episode, the preparation!
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The Pedalshift Project #198: Bicycle Touring Norway

The Pedalshift Project #198: Bicycle Touring Norway

Orange Pedal Award Winner™ Maggie Lonergan joins us again to tell us Maggie Lonergan joins us again to tell us her tale of bicycle touring Norway (plus a little Finland… it has trees) last summer.  Sure we mention that pesky virus, but it’s mostly touring talk, including some of the type II variety!
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xtracycle touring

The Pedalshift Project #197: Xtracycle Touring with Kids

Ever wonder what’s it’s like to strap your kid to an Xtracycle and bring them along for one of the more scenic tours in the San Francisco Bay Area? On this episiode, veteran podcaster and tech reporter Cyrus Farivar shares his experience bringing his daughter on a tour from the East Bay to Half Moon Bay on his trusty ride. Xtracycle touring—it’s a thing!
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The Pedalshift Project 195: The Kessel Run Florida Bike Tour Part 2

The Pedalshift Project 195: The Kessel Run Florida Bike Tour Part 2

Day 2 of the trip began with sunshine and exotic birds as I rolled through strawberry country and transitioned from wide open spaces to industrial places to… well I got to Tampa in time to explore some beer! But would I be able to roll right up to Tampa airport or be forced to sheepishly hire a ride for the last 1/4 mile? Read more
The Pedalshift Project 194: The Kessel Run Florida Bike Tour Part 1

The Pedalshift Project 194: The Kessel Run Florida Bike Tour Part 1

Central Florida has a thousand personalities. Sure, we all know the theme parks, and the big cities of Tampa and Orlando, but there are also huge swaths of barely developed pastures, orange groves, irrigation canals and lakes to catch a cyclists’ eye while pedaling the miles away. A lot of people come to Florida to escape the chill of winter and return with stories and surprises. Me? I went to go fly the Millennium Falcon, but that’s another story. After that? I rode across Florida. This is the story.
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