A chat about our bike touring lessons learned with Mysterious James. MJ returns for the “bourbon soaked” after hours dance party (most of those things were not a part of the podcast) where we chat about our bike touring lessons and experiences. If you missed part 1, go check that out… Mysterious James and I started bike touring together, but he’s taken it to a whole new level with trips to the remote corners of western Canada, Alaska, the Great Divide, South America and more.
Hey it’s the direct download link for episode 041: Bike touring lessons with Mysterious James (mp3)
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Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at pedalshiftproject@gmail.com or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109.
The Interview: MJ and bike touring lessons learned

- Part one of the interview on global bike touring
- MJ’s “bio” at uncommonlysilly.com
Santiago’s bike district (!)
Memories of small places on big tours
How long is your limit for touring? Expectations.
Mongolia vs. Norway for 2016?
First time tourers in Patagonia
The accessibility of bike touring
The age demographics of bike touring?
Working from the road
Internet connectivity in South America
Using a GPS with no maps in South America
Power saving MJ mode
Connected vs. disconnected touring
Dynohub vs. extra batteries
Sun and heat are our enemies
Touring your lineage
Should vs. want to tours in North America
US Bicycle Routes + NYS/PA bicycle routes
The Pedalshift Project theme is America courtesy of Jason Kent off his self-titled solo album. Check out his band Sunfields‘ album, Habitat, wherever cool music resides. I just heard Jason’s new album and it is AWESOME. More info when that drops this spring!