The Pedalshift Project 126: Katy Trail, Epilogue – Takeaways and Final Thoughts
June 28, 2018 The final part in a series of podcasts on my Katy Trail adventure! After sitting with it a few weeks since my return, I have thoughts on everything about the ride… the heat, the rain, the trail surface, and much more. Where does the Katy Trail stand up to other tour routes in the US? I have some thoughts on that!
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The Pedalshift Project 125: Katy Trail, Chapter 6
June 21, 2018 Chapter 6 in a series of podcasts on my Katy Trail adventure! My final day riding on tour is always a little hard to accept. I usually feel like I just started, and sometimes that’s not far from the truth. On my final day crossing the state of Missouri by bike, my appreciation for the Katy Trail cemented itself… especially after leaving it behind.
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The Pedalshift Project 124: Katy Trail, Chapter 5
June 14, 2018 Chapter 5 in a series of podcasts on my Katy Trail adventure! On this edition… weather apps prove to be a bit unreliable as I head out of Hermann, leading to a mad dash, a scramble, and eventually… beer. The penultimate day of riding had it all.
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The Pedalshift Project 123: Katy Trail, Chapter 4
June 12, 2018 Chapter 4 in a series of podcasts on my Katy Trail adventure! On this edition… I get a nice surprise in camp that has me reflecting on gratitude in bike touring, a wet but not disruptive day, and I look for some oom pah pah at Maifest in Hermann!
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The Pedalshift Project 121: Katy Trail, Chapter 3
June 5, 2018 Chapter 3 in a series of podcasts on my Katy Trail adventure! Sometimes a good night’s rest is all you need. That and an overpriced, but gratefully available, lightning cable and some dry shorts can reset things from a less-than-optimal day to one that makes your tour. Plus, I got to do a meetup and enjoy some beer for the first time in Jeff City… They say the third time’s the charm. Sometimes the third day is.
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The Pedalshift Project 119: Katy Trail, Chapter 2
May 28, 2018Chapter 2 in a series of podcasts on my Katy Trail adventure! The second day… well, it had some challenges. Like three of them. Read more

The Pedalshift Project 118: Katy Trail, Chapter 1
May 24, 2018 Chapter 1 in a series of podcasts on my Katy Trail adventure! Day 1s can be a mixed bag… and this one was no different.
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The Pedalshift Project 117: Final preparations for riding the Katy Trail across Missouri
May 10, 2018 It’s the final tune-up before my big tour riding the Katy Trail across Missouri! On this episode, we cover some of the last minute alterations, plans for handling quirks of the ride, mileage, and how the train fits into the whole adventure. Plus, mid-tour meetup details!
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